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Select from our library of questions—spanning a wide array of topics—written by experienced business consultants and industrial-organizational psychologists to get the right data. If you’d like, you can also include your own questions.
Discover strengths and hotspots with configurable dashboards, holistic reports and AI-driven analytics to take the guesswork out of where to improve employee and customer experience.
Quickly move from analysis to action with in-the-moment recommendations and leading practices to help you create a clear plan for improving your business.
Build on survey results by adding your operational and outcome data into the platform to see the bigger picture.
Easy to use for anyone, regardless of their role. Data can be shared among team members for timely feedback, to facilitate collaboration and drive action plans.
If further support is needed, we can provide that. Our community of solvers and consulting services bring deep, sustained real-world experience to every business challenge.
Listen Platform employs GenAI to enhance the process of employee listening, leading to increased employee engagement. GenAI supports this effort through automated data analysis and recommendations and suggests actions based on the GenAI-supported analysis.