US Technology Industry People & Organization Leader, PwC US
Summary of experience
Antonia Cusumano Binetti is a Principal and leader in PwC's Global Human Capital practice. She currently serves as the Technology Industry Human Capital & Strategic Change Leader; and, formerly served as the US Organization Change Management Leader.
Toni has nearly 20 years of experience helping global businesses achieve their business strategies through organization and people. She is passionate about co-creating innovative solutions that help solve for the stickiest people and HR issues. How do you use Analytics to strategically plan your workforce? How do you create more agility in your organization to move faster to market? How do you embed a customer-focused culture as you move your business to the Cloud? How do you find the right talent, with the right skills to deliver on your priority programs ...and, retain that talent? Are you leveraging social to create a Connected Employee Experience to unleash the passion in the (sometimes) five generations in the workforce?
Antonia holds two Bachelor’s degrees from the University of California at Davis; a Master’s degree in Communication Management from the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication; and, a dual MBA degree from the Haas School of Business at University of California, Berkeley, and Columbia Business School.
She is author of several white papers including:
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