Partner, Cyber, Risk and Regulatory, PwC US
Mike leads nearly 800 PwC professionals who advise clients on their risk and compliance programs, and also conduct audits, deliver monitoring, surveillance and testing solutions, and develop internal controls for business performance issues and IT systems, all through the use of technology and data.
For nearly 30 years, Mike has delivered a range of risk management, external audit and internal audit services to leading global and national organizations. His expertise includes implementing and optimizing enterprise-wide risk management programs and systems, and performing risk assessments for organizations across industries and translating the results into efficient, risk-based plans for internal audit, risk and compliance functions. He has advised clients on how to stand up their internal audit, risk management and compliance functions, and has counseled companies on how to transform their existing functions to be strategically aligned with the business and other risk prevention lines of defense. He also offers best practices to embed data analytics and advanced technology into all components of risk management and control, and leverages PwC’s deep industry and technical capabilities for enhanced insights in the planning, execution and reporting of internal audit projects, risk management programs and compliance testing solutions.
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