A 2024 road map for the C-suite, in eight charts

These key data points, gathered from major PwC surveys published in the past year, point the way forward for leaders embarking on business-model reinvention.

The Leadership Agenda

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The charts in the slideshow above, each adapted from PwC global surveys published in 2023, capture key insights on issues central to business-model reinvention, including transformative leadership, risk management, sustainability and upskilling. Together, they offer a ‘reinvention to-do list’ for C-suite executives in 2024.

Explore the findings of PwC's 27th Annual Global CEO Survey.

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Mohamed Kande

Mohamed Kande

Global Chair, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited

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Matthew Wetmore

Global Industries & Sectors Leader and National Managing Partner, Clients & Markets, PwC Canada

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