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CEOs report early productivity gains from generative AI and rising payoffs from investments in sustainability. Learn more about how 4,701 CEOs across 109 countries and territories are reinventing their business models to accelerate growth and are navigating short and long-term risks to remain viable.
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Change starts from the top—an effort that needs to be put into practice now more than ever. If disruption is the new normal, reinvention is critical.
Latest episode: How can supply chains transform from fragile to agile?
It’s the final episode of Take on Tomorrow, Series 2—and we’re exploring the economic lifelines that enable businesses and communities to thrive: supply chains. In a post-pandemic world, these intricate networks are under pressure—and the ripple effects are reshaping how companies create, move, and sell goods worldwide. How can leaders navigate the ongoing disruptions that define this new era? The Chief Revenue Officer of SAP Digital Supply Chain joins the podcast to unpack what it takes to build resilient, adaptive supply chains.
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At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 149 countries with more than 370,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at
Ryan Stanton
Global Corporate Affairs & Communications, Managing Director, PwC United States
+1 310-367-1045
Imran Javaid
Global Corporate Affairs and Communications, Senior Manager, PwC United Kingdom
+44 7483 344407
Dan Barabas