Forest, paper & packaging

Climate change, resource scarcity, talent shortages, volatile exchange rates...

Our professionals understand the varying landscape across the forest, paper and packaging sector. We will help you view local and global issues from different angles and focus on developing strategies for improving operations and financial performance.

How PwC can help

PwC's Forest, paper and packaging practice provides guidance in such areas as US Alternative Fuel Mixture (“Black Liquor”) Credit, sustainability industry, supply chain management, downstream producers, distributors, building materials, housing market dynamics, pulp and fibre manufacture, and transportation costs.


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Contact us

Ian Murdoch

European Leader, Forest, Paper & Packaging, PwC Austria

Tel: +43 1501 88 1420

Jason M. Boyer

Partner, Deals, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 604 806 7096

Edward (Ted) C. Bell P.Eng

Partner, PwC Associates, National Leader, SR&ED and Incentives, and National Leader Greenhouse Gas Verification Services, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 604 806 7705
