Risk & Responsible AI webcast

February 28, 2024
12:00 PM ET

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The moment of truth for trust in AI is coming. According to our 2024 AI Business Predictions, trust in AI will be critical — and that means more than just compliant, secure systems. It means deploying the right solutions for the right situation with the right data, policies and oversight to achieve relevant, reliable results. That requires responsible AI, an enterprise-wide approach and set of governing practices.

Join PwC’s GenAI leaders for an overview of a risk-based and responsible approach to AI and GenAI. We will discuss practical solutions and strategies for managing risks holistically, including establishing an AI governance framework.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this training, participants should be able to:

  • Gain knowledge about the diverse set of risks associated with AI and GenAI and the importance of responsible practices.
  • Discuss the need for companies to provide demonstrable and transparent commitments to the safe and responsible use of AI.
  • Explore practical solutions and strategies for managing risks holistically, including establishing an AI governance framework.

Who should attend: CROs, CISO, CLOs, and those in the risk-focused areas of the organization, manager and above.

CPE Credit: This does not qualify for CPE.

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