Rule Keeper

Compliance made easy. Learn how PwC can automate your legal decision processes.

Experience the advantages of decision automation

Compliance is more important than ever – and increasingly difficult to manage. You have to balance a growing set of legal and regulatory requirements and internal policies with shrinking budgets and limited resources.

Smart automation can give your legal, compliance and tax departments some relief where they need it most: answering recurring compliance and legal questions. That’s where Rule Keeper comes in. Rule Keeper is a decision automation solution based on a no-code platform that quickly and securely answers recurrent legal or regulatory questions, allowing you to streamline your processes and releasing valuable bandwidth for more complex or bespoke tasks.

How do Rule Keeper applications work?

Rule Keeper turns complex legal questions into simple, web-based questionnaires that are easy for users to understand. Users access Rule Keeper applications through a web link (or, where required, by logging in with a password) and work through the questionnaire on their computer or mobile device. Supporting materials help guide the user through the questionnaire, allowing them to arrive at the answer to their specific legal question quickly and efficiently.

By structuring legal queries in the form of a decision-tree, relevant legal expert knowledge can be made available to the user as required, regardless of office hours or locations. With Rule Keeper applications, legal or other service-oriented departments can extend their support to a 24/7 service model.

What can Rule Keeper applications do?

Rule Keeper applications are highly customizable, and can be used wherever the need is greatest. Legal, compliance and data protection use cases tend to be the most common, but there may be other use cases across your organisation as a whole. Rule Keeper applications can:

  • answer questions
  • undertake calculations
  • generate automated documents
  • trigger email notifications; and
  • link departments and cross-departmental tasks

helping you streamline workflows, improve productivity and enhance compliance. By easing the burden on your staff, Rule Keeper applications can also decrease response times and increase overall user satisfaction.

How do we tailor Rule Keeper applications?

Our lawyers build Rule Keeper applications using a no-code platform. By working directly in the platform, this eliminates the need to involve specialised programmers, limiting linguistic or other misunderstandings throughout the development process.

When tailoring a Rule Keeper application, our experts begin by identifying the key legal or compliance questions that your business needs to answer. Once those key questions have been confirmed, our legal experts can generate a decision-tree based on an ‘if-then’ principle.

Depending on the complexity of the use case, a prototype is typically available a few days after the initial client workshop, with the final product - tailored to your business - usually being ready within a few weeks.

Illustrative use cases

Illustrative use cases

Some examples of Rule Keeper in practice

Posted Workers Directive - Netherlands

This tool (built by PwC Netherlands) helps to clarify the minimum employment conditions that may need to be granted to employees seconded to the Netherlands, based on the Posted Workers Directive.

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