Lisa Sawicki is elected to chair PwC’s Global Governance Board

  • Press Release
  • July 01, 2021

London, Thursday 1st July 2021 - PwC has elected Lisa Sawicki to chair the Global Governance Board of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL), which is responsible for the governance of PwCIL and the PwC network, oversight of PwC’s network leadership team, and approval of the standards by which each PwC firm must abide.

Lisa is a partner of PwC US, based in North Carolina and also a member of PwC US’s Board of Partners and Principals.  

Lisa has over 30 years of experience providing audit and business advisory services to clients in the Financial Services industry, including acting as the global engagement partner for some of PwC’s largest international Banking and Capital Markets clients.   Lisa's past roles include serving as Financial Services Assurance leader for the New York Metro area and as the Assurance Diversity Leader for PwC US.  Lisa has served as a member of PwC’s Global Board for the last four years and has been elected to serve a second four year term.

PwC’s current Global Board is made up of 18 partners and principals from 12 PwC firms; they were elected on 5th March 2021 and formally joined the new PwCIL board on 24th June.  In addition there are two independent directors who are members of the PwCIL board.

“I congratulate Lisa on her election as Chair of the Board of PwCIL. Her role as a partner working with some of our most complex global clients and her experience as a member of both the US and global governance boards will prove invaluable as the board guides PwC in the implementation of our strategy - The New Equation,” said Bob Moritz, Global Chairman of the PwC network. “I would also like to thank the outgoing chairman Paul Kepple for his wisdom and support over the last four years as chairman, and eight years as a global board member.”

“I would also like to welcome and congratulate all the other members who have been elected to the PwCIL Board and in particular our two independent board members Jan Sijbrand and Troy Paredes who will bring a wealth of experience, depth of knowledge and add new and unique perspectives to our board discussions.”



Global Board:  The Board of PwCIL comprises 20 members who are responsible for the governance of PwCIL and the PwC network, oversight of the Network Leadership Team, and approval of network standards. With the exception of two independent directors, each of the other 18 elected members are full-time partners or principals of PwC member firms around the world. Of the current 18 elected board members, eight are female.  


PwCIL - Global Board - Effective 24 June 2021

(20 members: 18 Elected, 2 Appointed)

  • Lisa Sawicki, USA (Chair)

  • Susumu Adachi, Japan

  • Jane Allen, USA

  • Puneet Arora, USA

  • Stefan Brunsbach, Germany

  • David Bryan, Canada

  • Chris Burns, UK

  • Paddy Carney, Australia

  • Jennifer Chang, Malaysia

  • Don Christian, USA

  • Jean-Christophe Georghiou, France

  • Shana Laurie De Hernandez, Netherlands

  • Brian Meighan, USA

  • Peter Nyllinge, Sweden

  • Marie-Elisa Roussel, Luxembourg

  • Duncan Skailes, UK

  • Alison Wong, China

  • Karen Young, USA

Independent Directors:

  • Troy Paredes, US

  • Jan Sijbrand, Netherlands

Press release - on appointment of independent directors:

Global Consumer Markets

About PwC: At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 152 countries with over 327,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at

PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.

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Ryan Stanton

Global Corporate Affairs & Communications, Managing Director, PwC United States

+1 310-367-1045


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