Transforming customer experience for business growth

September 12, 2023

Give customers a great experience, and they’ll buy more, be more loyal and share their experience with friends. That’s what every company strives for. Yet so many consumers seem disappointed. Call it an experience disconnect: companies tout the latest technology or snappy design, but haven’t focused on—or invested in—the most meaningful aspects of customer experience.

What truly makes for a good experience? Speed. Convenience. Consistency. Friendliness. And human touch—that is, creating real connections by making technology feel more human and giving employees what they need to create better customer experiences.

PwC offers integrated solutions that help organizations accelerate business growth by reimagining how customers buy from them, use their services and engage with them. We help our clients design outside – in strategies to develop value propositions while addressing customers’ underlying needs across the customer value chain. This approach enables organizations to align with rapidly changing customer behaviors. We also help our clients harness the value of data into a core business competency to create the right customer experience and product which reaches the right customer at the right time with the right offering, while opening more revenue generation opportunities.

Ian Kahn, Principal, Salesforce Practice and Alliance Leader, PwC US, said: “Customers are changing. They work and consume in new and different ways. They have less to spend and demand sustainability, security and a brand they can trust to behave responsibly. At PwC, we combine brilliant ideas, passion and expertise with the power of technology and a unique combination of capabilities - from deep industry knowledge to broader capabilities - to help our client’s change for the better around their customers and to create responsible growth. Whether our clients are looking to reinvent their customer experience strategy, transform operations or improve customer insight, we’re with them every step of the way.”

In a recent PwC-sponsored IDC Spotlight, titled ‘Intelligent Context Will Fuel Value Exchange in the Future of Customer Engagement’ (September 2023, #US51213223) , analysts state that, “Organizations have an important opportunity to drive greater- engagement through next-generation personalization based on contextualized, relevant, and useful two-way conversations with customers. To grasp this opportunity, companies need to rethink the way that they approach customers. They will need to ensure that the architecture of their data and applications is optimized for use by agile interdisciplinary teams working across organizational boundaries.”


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