Many Financial Services (FS) organisations are moving back into hiring mode. But the type of people they need are changing as they grapple with the impact of new technology, new regulation, changing customer expectations and shifts in global economic power. Nearly 80% of the FS industry leaders who took part in our latest global CEO survey are looking for a broader range of skills when recruiting than in the past. Encouraging greater diversity and inclusion is a critical part of meeting these new talent demands.
While most FS organisations now have strategies in place to promote diversity and inclusiveness, the reality for many women and people from other underrepresented groups may not reflect the publicly-stated aims of their employers.
The findings in this report suggest that more work is needed to make diversity a reality within many organisations. Nearly three-quarters of the female millennials working in FS believe that their organisations talk about diversity, but opportunities are not equal for all.
Underrepresentation within FS organisations of gender, generation, ethnicity, sexuality and disability, as well as people with a broader range of skills, experiences and industry backgrounds can not only deter talented people from seeking careers in FS, but also be a missed commercial opportunity. FS is a marketplace in transformation, and as a result it increasingly demands new capabilities and a more diverse workforce.
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