Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

We help our clients design outside-in customer strategies which develop value propositions that address customers’ underlying needs and desired outcomes.


We ensure that the strategy designed is underpinned by Analytics and Experience Design to build differentiated experiences that align with your core brand promise.

CRM is an enabler of business strategy and customer centricity. CRM solutions are no longer the IT-centric systems of years ago. They now provide sophisticated analytics and other features that can help financial institutions meet new trends head-on, from rising user expectations to relentless regulatory demands. Organizations need a new approach to selecting a CRM solution—one that prioritizes their specific business needs. We’ll explore the criteria organizations should use when making their decisions.


How we help?

  1. Business to CRM Strategy: Define and tie CRM strategy and objectives back to business strategy and create quantifiable objectives
  2. Redefined processes and operating model: CRM should not be “paving the cow path”; leading practices should be first implemented on the processes and operating model
  3. Business Involvement: CRM projects are business transformation efforts and need to be led through business sponsorship, close collaboration between business and IT, and deep involvement of business users
  4. User Centric Design: The solution development process should focus on “user centric and adaptive design” rather than purely functionality and requirement based methodologies. Adoption should be built into the solution vs. being an afterthought
  5. Rapid benefits: The program roadmap should be defined to ensure rapid and multiple releases delivering incremental business benefits as opposed to a big-bang approach
  6. Technology and customization: Customization and technology complexity should be avoided where possible through smart business solution design

Contact us

John Dovaston

John Dovaston

Advisor, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 521 2901

Roman Nedielka

Roman Nedielka

Advisor, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

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