Japan Business Desk works closely with our Subject Matter Experts to assist Japanese companies operating or preparing to operate in Indonesia. We provides cross-border support in collaboration with PwC member firms in Japan and overseas.
PwCインドネシアは、1971 年に営業を開始し、98 年以降の通貨危機の際には、大手・国営企業の建て直しに大きく貢献いたしました。2021年8月現在、総勢約2500名のスペシャリストを擁し、インドネシアに進出する多国籍企業、およびインドネシアの大手企業を始め、多くのクライアントに監査、税務、規制、法務、M&A、法務、コンサルティングおよび各種アドバイザリーサービスを提供しています 。
M&A / 再編
This is an unofficial Japanese translation of publications in English. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the translation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by PwC Indonesia as to the accuracy of the translation. We would recommend that users should refer to the official English version of the publications in any doubt.
No part of this unofficial translation may be reproduced or distributed by any method without our prior consent.
This is an unofficial Japanese translation of publications in English. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the translation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by PwC Indonesia as to the accuracy of the translation. We would recommend that users should refer to the official English version of the publications in any doubt.
No part of this unofficial translation may be reproduced or distributed by any method without our prior consent.
This is an unofficial Japanese translation of publications in English. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the translation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by PwC Indonesia as to the accuracy of the translation. We would recommend that users should refer to the official English version of the publications in any doubt.
No part of this unofficial translation may be reproduced or distributed by any method without our prior consent.
This is an unofficial Japanese translation of publications in English. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the translation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by PwC Indonesia as to the accuracy of the translation. We would recommend that users should refer to the official English version of the publications in any doubt.
No part of this unofficial translation may be reproduced or distributed by any method without our prior consent.
Ryuji Sugawara 菅原 竜二
Advisor, Jakarta, PwC Indonesia
Masahiko Itoi 糸井和光
Advisor, Jakarta, PwC Indonesia
Naoto Fukazawa 深澤 直人
Advisor, Jakarta, PwC Indonesia
Koichi Hamada 濱田孝一
Advisor, Jakarta, PwC Indonesia
Iori Shimura 志村 伊織
Advisor, Jakarta, PwC Indonesia
Yuki Inoue 井上 由貴
Advisor, Jakarta, PwC Indonesia
Yohei Ishiyama 石山 洋平
Advisor, Jakarta, PwC Indonesia
Naoki Mizuno 水野直樹
Advisor, Jakarta, PwC Indonesia
Kotaro Asai 浅井 広太郎
Advisor, Jakarta, PwC Indonesia
Hiroki Yomura 余村裕樹
Advisor, Jakarta, PwC Indonesia