China Business Desk

A wealth of experience in dealing with the typical issues faced by Chinese companies doing business in Indonesia, encompassing the business establishment, tax, due diligence, regulatory compliance, financial reporting and auditing.

Who we are

  • We have a team of Mandarin speaking professionals in all major lines of services, who are fully committed to serving Chinese companies operating in Indonesia.
  • A wealth of experience in dealing with the typical issues faced by Chinese companies doing business in Indonesia, encompassing the business establishment, tax, due diligence, regulatory compliance, financial reporting and auditing.
  • Our well-established network with the PwC offices in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, enables our clients to access to the market and professional expertises in those locations as and when they are needed.


This is an unofficial Chinese translation of publications in English. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the translation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by PwC Indonesia as to the accuracy of the translation. We would recommend that users should refer to the official English version of the publications in any doubt.

No part of this unofficial translation may be reproduced or distributed by any method without our prior consent.

Contact us

Toto Harsono (卓恒辉)

Partner, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

Tian Ding (田丁)

Advisor, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

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