The Leadership Agenda
Seven Imperatives for Moving Beyond Digital Transformation
True digital capability involves more than just tech:
Without fundamental business transformation, digitization is a road to nowhere
Creating an interlocking system of change.
Drawing on research of transformative companies, PwC Strategy& authors recommend seven leadership imperatives to go beyond digital and transform future leadership:
Reimagine your place in the world
Embrace and create value via ecosystems
Build a system of privileged insights with your customers
Make your organisation outcome-oriented
Invert the focus of the leadership team
Reinvent the social contract with your people
Disrupt your own leadership approach
Reimagine your place in the world
Look beyond your current portfolio of businesses and products and determine what value you will create and for whom.
Embrace and create value via ecosystems
The only way for companies to thrive in this disruptive age is to work with ecosystems and harness the capabilities that others have built in order to deliver their own value propositions—and do so at speed, at scale, and flexibly.
Build a system of privileged insights with your customers
Customers expectations and needs have grown in line with data use expansion. Gaining insights may become one of your most important capabilities, as the better your insights, the more you can increase your value for customers.
Make your organisation outcome-oriented
Building outcome orientated teams that bring together the needed expertise, knowledge, technology, data, processes, and behaviours from across the organisation to create value through new models of working and teaming.
Invert the focus of the leadership team
Your leadership team will need new skills and mechanisms to shift to these new forms of value creation. Start from scratch and determine your team's needs as building complex, digitized capabilities requires bold decision-making.
Reinvent the social contract with your people
The best way to succeed in executing transformation is to adopt a “citizen-led approach” — to have employees continuously contribute and innovate, connect their purpose to the company’s purpose.
Disrupt your own leadership approach
Modern leaders need to be both strategists and executors, tech-savvy and deeply human, adept at making compromises while being guided by their integrity, pushing for innovation and grounded in what they are as a company.
Pursuing these imperatives will fortify you for the challenges to come as the world moves beyond digital.
What you can do to lead digital transformation of your organisation?
Create an interlocking system of change by working on all seven imperatives
Recognise the need to move beyond just digital transformation capabilities
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