Download our M&A report
Download our M&A report
Download our M&A report
Increased disruption, industry convergence, technological change and the need to shift to new business models to stay competitive means that value creation in deals has never been more important.
We surveyed over 600 global corporate executives to uncover how they create value through M&A. Those who genuinely prioritise value creation early on – rather than assume it will happen as a natural consequence of the actions they take as the transaction proceeds – have a better track record of maximising value in a deal.
What if you took a different perspective to your M&A?
Our research has found that given the chance to do the deal over again, two-thirds of dealmakers admit that, more than anything else, value creation would be a priority right from the start.
30% of organisations say they prioritised rebranding on Day One – something that all but 2% later admit should not have been a priority. Of course, branding is important, but it is more important that the business behind the brand is built on a sound, strategic plan.
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