EP 7: DTI 2021 insights - What's next in your cybersecurity & privacy strategy

EP 7: DTI 2021 insights - What's next in your cybersecurity & privacy strategy

Date: January 2021

Host: Sean Joyce, Global and USl leader for Cyber, Privacy and Forensics
Speaker: Richard Horne, Partner, Cyber Security Chair, PwC UK
Host: Angeli Hoekstra, Partner Cyber, Privacy & Technology, PwC Netherlands

Duration: 13m 54s

Episode 7 is centred around our annual 2021 Global Digital Trust Insights survey. The survey findings reflect the views of over 3,200 business and technology executives around the world. Today's conversation is focused on what a successful Cybersecurity and Privacy strategy looks like in the current world.

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Topics include:

01:56 - [Richard Horne] What would you say the characteristics are of CISO in this current business environment?

03:30 - [Sean Joyce] How does this [characteristics] align with an organization’s business strategy?

04:55 - [Sean Joyce] What questions should CISOs be asking themselves these days to be able to create a truly business-driven security strategy?

05:57 - [Richard Horne] How surprised were you to see that cyber budgets are expected to rise for half of the businesses we surveyed?

08:02 - [Sean Joyce] What are the benefits of being able to quantify cyber risks?

10:24 - [Richard and Sean] Final thoughts. What else is on the horizon? What else should CISOs be focusing on?


Contact us

Sean Joyce

Global Cybersecurity & Privacy Leader, PwC US; Cyber, Risk & Regulatory Leader, PwC United States

Richard Horne

Partner, Cyber Security Chair, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 777 555 3373

Angeli Hoekstra

Partner, Cybersecurity, Privacy & Forensics, PwC Netherlands

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