IFRS - Issues and solutions for the pharmaceuticals and life sciences industry - 2019 edition

Issues and solutions for the pharmaceuticals and life sciences industry

This report addresses particular accounting issues the pharmaceuticals and life sciences sector faces when using the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The aim is to highlight the industry-specific factors which need to be considered, and to provide an opinion on the most pertinent accounting solutions for common commercial transactions under IFRS. Each solution is based on a specified set of circumstances. They cover general situations and provide a framework for determining the appropriate accounting answer but individual fact patterns may give rise to a different answer. Examples cover various practices in the following areas:

  • Research and development and Intangibles
  • Manufacturing and supply chain
  • Funding for R&D
  • Business combinations and asset acquisitions
  • Revenue recognition (IFRS 15)
  • Presentation and disclosure



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Peter Kartscher

Global Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences Assurance Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 79 5429018

Ruth Preedy

IFRS specialist, Director, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 20 721 32123

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