Pelindo ready to implement 5 focuses this year

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Investor Daily - Tahun ini, Pelindo siap implementasikan 5 fokus

13 April 2023


Jakarta - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo mentioned that there were five company focuses that would be applied and implemented this year. Pelindo Integration Management Group Head Budi Pratomo said that the first focus was port transformation.

“We will continue to transform ports through standardisations and systemisations in each area. So, our four subholdings are continuously standardising and systemising the main and supporting ports,” Budi said at the media gathering titled Pelindo Group Post-Merger Synergy in Jakarta on Wednesday (12/4/2023).

The second focus is to carry out business expansions through strategic partnerships with global market leaders at several ports.

“Second, in 2023, partnership [establishment] at Belawan New Container Terminal (BNCT) that is currently in the final phase and partner selection for CT2 (New Priok Container Terminal Two) and CT3 (New Priok Container Terminal Three) are expected to be completed,” Budi said.

The third focus is corporate restructuring. According to him, the continuity of Pelindo’s restructuring is Pelindo Group that has around 62 subsidiaries. This year, the business capital is expected to be optimised through business organisations that will carry out many corporate actions in Pelindo Group.

“The corporate actions are expected to increase the efficiency and the competence of each subholding,” he continued.

The fourth focus is internal transformation. Pelindo will continue to transform the company’s internal processes through the implementation of the shared services centre (SSC). Regarding the financial and tax aspects, enterprise resource planning (ERP) has also started to be rolled out in all of the subholdings.

The last focus is the completion of strategic projects to support national development.

“Lastly, for 2023, the focus is to continue the construction of national development projects, which include BMTH (Bali Maritime Tourism Hub), Kijing Industrial Estate, Makssar New Port, and New Priok Eastern Access,” Budi said.

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