of companies disclosed meaningful Key Performance Indicators and targets related to the SDGs
of companies selected priority SDGs
of CEO or Chair statements in annual reports mention the SDGs
of companies embedded the SDGs into business strategy
Every organisation is influenced by or has influence on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The SDGs have broken into the mainstream of business reporting
Putting the SDGs in the heart of business strategy continues to be a challenge for business
The SDGs aren’t hitting the CEO agenda, with other risks flying higher on the radar.
Quality of reporting is improving, but has a long way to go.
We’ve analysed the corporate and sustainability reports of 729 companies across 21 territories and 6 broad industry groups. Compare how well businesses in your sector or geography are communicating their progress towards the SDGs.
A blueprint for SDG success:
"Progress on broad awareness and integration is a positive step for the SDGs, but it’s only a small step. For every one of the 17 goals there are pressing real issues that directly impact the world of business."
As part of our research we’ve collected performance data on 20 commonly reported KPIs for each of the 729 companies we analysed.
For example, to evaluate business strategy and performance for Gender Equality (SDG5), we looked at 3 KPIs for each company:
The KPIs for Gender Equality (SDG5) are just one example of how businesses are measuring and tracking progress towards the SDGs. We can benchmark performance for all companies across 11 of the 17 SDGs. If you’d like to find out more information about the findings of this report or compare your performance against your peers, please get in touch.
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