Episode 93: The endgame begins – Navigating TP implications in the Pillar Two world

April 17, 2023

The endgame begins – Navigating TP implications in the Pillar Two world

This TP Talks episode is part 3 of a three-part series on Pillar Two, where Ugo Cannavale (Transfer Pricing Leader for PwC Italy), Kartikeya Singh (Transfer Pricing Principal in PwC’s US National Tax Services practice), and Giorgia Maffini (Transfer Pricing and Tax Policy Director with PwC UK) discuss the latest Pillar Two developments, country level developments, and what companies need to  prioritize from a transfer pricing perspective.

See also: 

Contacts: Ugo CannavaleGiorgia MaffiniKartikeya Singh

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Horacio Peña

Global Transfer Pricing Leader, PwC US

Tel: +1 (917) 478-5817

Kristina Novak

Washington National Tax Services, Transfer Pricing, Principal, PwC US

Tel: +1 (469) 878-4552
