PwC Family office country teams


Glen Frost

Partner, PwC Private,
PwC Australia

Glen has helped individuals and their families for over 30 years as an integral part of PwC’s Private Clients team, including the past 16 years as a Partner. Glen leads PwC’s Australian Family Office practice and also provides specialist tax advice to a variety of privately owned businesses, family offices, family groups, entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals. He advises both residents and non-residents and uses his extensive global network to provide comprehensive solutions for both Australian and international clients. He has a diverse range of clients from active business owners to passive investors, retailers, property developers, medical specialists, those involved in start up business operations and smaller accounting and advisory firms via PwC’s “Advisor Connection” program.

Samantha Vidler

Partner, PwC Private,
PwC Australia

As a Partner in PwC’s Private Clients Tax and Accounting practice, Samantha provides family, business and taxation advice to her clients and assists them with their compliance obligations. She focuses on families and family business advice, specialising in strategic taxation and accounting advice in the retail, wholesale, agricultural, franchising and property industry sectors. She has been with PwC for over 26 years and is focused on working with entrepreneurs and large family groups. Samantha is a qualified Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

Matthew Gurner

Partner, PwC Private,
PwC Australia

Matt has over 25 years of experience providing accounting, taxation and consulting advice to a large portfolio of clients and is extensively involved in their financial affairs and day to day management. A Partner in the Private Clients group since 2012, Matthew focuses on HNWIs and privately owned family businesses. He specialises in structuring, estate/succession planning, asset protection, wealth creation and establishing and servicing Family Offices. Matt is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and New Zealand, a Chartered Tax Advisor with the Tax Institute of Australia, a member of the National Taxation and Accountants Association and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Curtin University.

Bruce Ellis

Partner, PwC Private,
PwC Australia

Bruce has advised multi-generational families, family offices and private businesses for over 32 years. Bruce’s experience is based on a tax and accounting skill set with deep expertise in trusts. He advises on complex, international and multi-jurisdictional tax matters, provides family meeting facilitation or participation, and helps families navigate succession and estate planning. He advises on the taxation consequences of international investments and investment structures and how such investments should be held to maximise returns after local and Australian taxes. Bruce has had extensive experience in dealing with the ATO on behalf of clients and leads the firm’s ATO Next 5000 Strategy response in Victoria.

Naree Brooks

Partner, PwC Private,
PwC Australia

Naree has worked in general business and tax advisory services to private and family businesses in Australia for the past 30 years.
She specialises in managing the taxation and other regulatory issues in respect of retirement and superannuation planning. This includes advising on the rules for permissible investments, working within the superannuation regime and accessing retirement benefits including from overseas superannuation plans.
Naree holds a Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. She is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand in Australia and a fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia.

Ryan Smith

Partner, PwC Private,
PwC Australia

Ryan has been a trusted advisor to high net wealth families and family offices for over 20 years and currently leads the PwC NSW Family Office practice. He provides specialist advice in relation to issues impacting family offices, high net wealth individuals, executives, and private business owners. This includes advice in relation to: effective structuring for asset protection, growth and after-tax wealth accumulation through the use of trusts, SMSFs and private structures; Australian taxation issues regarding residency and cross border issues relating to foreign structures and investments; Australian taxation issues relating to divorce and estate planning; ATO risk reviews and tax controversy matters; undertaking family office reviews; and inter-generational wealth transfer and succession planning matters. Ryan is very passionate about understanding his clients’ goals and objectives and what they truly value.

Tara Cuddihy

Partner, PwC Private,
PwC Australia

Passionate about the potential that lies within individuals and their businesses, Tara has advised clients in the private market throughout her 15 year career. She provides strategic taxation and accounting advice to a wide range of private clients, including privately-owned companies, high-wealth individuals and their associated business and family-owned entities. Her advices specialises in the retail, wholesale, agricultural, franchising, services and property industry sectors. Her commercial experience allows her to develop and assist in implementing solutions for her clients that are practical and robust.

Billy Meston

Partner, PwC Private,
PwC Australia

Billy heads the PwC Private Business in Perth. Working with private, entrepreneurial and not-for-profit organisations in Australia and the UK since 1994. His specialisation spans external audit, corporate governance, process and performance improvement, strategy, valuations, mergers and acquisitions, as well as national and international expansion. With a wealth of experience, Billy is well-equipped to provide services to individuals, private enterprises, and family businesses. His advisory work has spanned various industries, with recent focuses on agriculture, mining and oil & gas services, engineering, financial services, not-for-profit, aged care, logistics, infrastructure, and mining exploration companies.


Georg Erdélyi

Partner, Tax Advisor, Expert for Family Businesses
PwC Austria

Georg has been working in tax consulting for more than 26 years and is the Lead Tax partner in our Vienna office for tax advisory services for private clients and family-owned businesses. His areas of expertise comprise international tax planning, including the relocation of private individuals, M&A transactions, advice in connection with real estate as well as the establishment of and advice to private foundations.

Michael Lind

Lawyer and Partner, Expert in Corporate and Foundation Law & M&A Transactions
PwC Austria

Michael has been active as a lawyer for more than 15 years. He is the Lead Legal partner in our Vienna office for legal advisory services for private clients and family-owned businesses. His areas of expertise comprise of private foundations law, corporate law, M&A transactions as well as banking and finance law.


Sabrina Fitzgerald

Partner, PwC Private Leader & Family Office Leader
PwC Canada

Sabrina is the National Leader for the PwC Private team and Family Office leader. She has spent more than two decades understanding the business issues for owners, families and leaders of private companies. As a family enterprise advisor (FEA), she assists businesses with their continuity planning and sound family governance. Her practice includes assisting family businesses in the area of intergenerational wealth transfer. She offers practical advice and tangible solutions to help her clients with what matters most.

Sabrina is an avid speaker on various topics around structuring, strategy, growth and disruption. She has authored several articles in PwC’s Wealth & Tax Matters and Canadian Tax Foundation publications.

Elisabeth Finch
Elisabeth Finch

Partner, PwC Private, Wealth Oversight, Family Enterprise Advisor
PwC Canada

Elisabeth is a designated FEA who helps family enterprises manage the dynamics of family and business, often at the same time. Elisabeth helps family enterprises successfully navigate complexity to realize their vision. She also leads our Wealth Oversight team who deliver an integrated view of clients’ assets, an independent perspective and support our clients’ financial legacies.

Elisabeth’s unique background as a materials scientist and a business person (but not an accountant) means that her perspective is always different. Along with this perspective, she brings exceptional advisory skills to her clients developed over 36 years of business experience.

Janice Agar
Janice Agar

Director, PwC Private, Family Office Advisory
PwC Canada

Janice works with private and family businesses in the areas of strategic planning and analysis, technology innovation, process improvement, operating model transformations, and vendor selection. She uses her broad base of experience to anticipate and manage the complex issues inherent with strategy and transformation projects, enabling her clients to realize their long-term and personal goals.

Janice has a Bachelor of Engineering Science and Masters of Engineering degrees from the University of Western Ontario. She holds designations as a PMP and as a CMC and is currently enrolled in the Family Enterprise Advisor program (FEA).

Hadielia Yassri
Hadielia Yassri

Partner, Family Enterprise Advisor
PwC Canada

Hadielia’s areas of expertise include continuity planning, developing and delivering bespoke educational programs and supporting governance practices and structures. She is an accredited family business engagement expert with more than 10 years’ experience working with family enterprises, multi-generational enterprising families and family offices. Her points of difference include the plurality of her skills and experiences in tax law, wealth management, family office services and family business continuity planning.

She is currently completing the LLM (tax) program, Osgoode Law School. She holds a JD and the Family Enterprise Advisor (FEA) and Trust and Estates Practitioner (TEP) designations.


Stephan Gerwert
Stephan Gerwert

Director, Head of Family Office Services, 
PwC Germany

Stephan has been advising ultra high net worth individuals and families for the past 15 years in various roles. After studying international business administration he started out with UBS Wealth Management in Germany, mainly focusing on advising clients within all areas of liquid capital markets. Stephan later moved to Switzerland and was given the task to build a Single Family Office. His main focus then was strategic and tactical asset allocation over the whole asset class spectrum. Before joining PwC Germany as Head of Family Office Services, he built his own digital marketplace as an entrepreneur, allowing wealthy families to digitally connect and share direct investment opportunities within an invitation only club.

Susanne Thonemann-Micker
Susanne Thonemann-Micker

Partner and Private Client Solutions Leader,
PwC Germany

Susanne specialises in tax and legal succession advice, tax and legal asset structuring and asset protection amongst other areas. Based in Düsseldorf she advises families, UHNWIs, family offices, management boards and advisory boards. A qualified lawyer since 2005 and specialist lawyer in tax law Susanne is a lecturer on a specialist course on tax law and international inheritance (tax) law. She is editor and author of the Beck online commentary ErbStG and author of various articles in the field of succession planning.

Frank Kosner

Partner, Tax & Legal,
PwC Germany

As lead Tax Partner in our Cologne office, Frank has provided tax advice for more than 26 years. He is the contact person for all national and international structuring and tax consulting issues on family and corporate level. His expertise focuses on national and international and tax-optimizing advice in the context of group structuring and reorganization, mergers & acquisitions, financing structures and compliance processes. He has advised owners, families, family entrepreneurs, family offices and venture capital investments on all tax and legal issues and he has extensive expertise on major national and international projects. Frank is also a member of PwC's German Middle Market core team.

Catharina Prym

Partner Family Governance Consulting,
PwC Germany


An international expert for family businesses, Catharina has built up the PwC Family Governance Consulting offering in South Africa, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. She has consulted multi-generational business families in Europe and Africa as a PwC global expert and develops owner strategies, family constitutions and succession plans with her clients. Catharina was born and raised in Germany, a fifteenth-generation member of the Prym Family, one of the oldest entrepreneurial families in the world. Today she is Partner at PwC Germany and Managing Director of the INTES Family Business Academy.

Sabine Gregier
Sabine Gregier

Director, Private Client Solutions,
PwC Germany

Sabine has worked with a range of clients from UHNWIs and family offices to executive board members, supervisory board members and managing directors. A qualified lawyer since 1997 and tax advisor since 2003 Sabine’s expertise ranges from tax and legal succession advice, criminal tax law, tax planning and ongoing tax advice for private individuals to the drafting of succession and inheritance regulations. Sabine is training as a mediator and is based in Düsseldorf.

Burkhard Jakob
Burkhard Jakob

Private Client Solutions / Family Office Services,
PwC Germany

Burkhard is a lawyer, tax advisor and partner based in Kiel and Hamburg. He specialises in comprehensive legal and tax advice for high-net-worth individuals and their businesses. Burkhard has more than 20 years of experience in structuring family businesses and long-term tax and succession planning for entrepreneurial families. Before joining PwC, he was, amongst others, Head of Tax & Legal of a large family office in Northern Germany. His industry experience includes agriculture and forestry, shipping, logistics, recycling, renewable energies and financial services.

Hong Kong SAR

John Wong

Partner, Family Business & Private Client Services Leader,
PwC China

John has over 30 years experience in helping HNWIs and families primarily based in Asia Pacific with Chinese and other nationalities to devise tailor-made tax planning, family wealth and business succession planning to achieve personal and family goals by using trusts, insurance and other appropriate structures for the implementation of such planning as well as setting up family offices and devising family governance and constitution. He has extensive experience advising Chinese and Hong Kong based international financial institutions and trustees and is a frequent speaker at wealth forums and tax seminars.

Wise Lam
Wise Lam

Partner, Private Client Services,
PwC China, Hong Kong office

Wise has been providing consultation services for high net worth individuals and families including well known individuals, major shareholders and senior executives, many of whom are listed on the Hurun China Rich List. She has extensive experience in providing advice in relation to the international taxation, asset preservation and wealth planning, setting up and restructuring of offshore holding structure including trust structures, Hong Kong companies and offshore companies, assistance with the trust administration, restructuring and ongoing operations; as well as planning and implementation of family governance structures.

Gloria Yip
Gloria Yip

Partner, Private Client Services,
PwC China, Hong Kong office

Gloria has more than 10 years of experience in family wealth planning services and provided services to high net worth individual, entrepreneurs and major shareholders of listed companies. Her experience includes designing different wealth planning tools and asset holding structures to achieve family succession planning, including establishment and restructuring of family trust structures, and also designing structures for listed companies on employee incentive plans. Moreover, she has helped numerous families in implementing family office and family governance solutions.


Valéry Civilio
Valéry Civilio

PwC Luxembourg

Valéry is graduated in Law in Brussels University and obtained a Master in Tax at the Solvay Business School.

Valéry began his career in 1993 and joined Coopers & Lybrand in 1995. He is a member of the Tax Leadership Team as Managed Services Leader.

Valéry has a large experience in setting up holding and financing entities as well as Intellectual Property management; he has implemented numerous integrated global structuring projects for international groups. As an International Tax Services specialist, Valéry has also assisted several worldwide major players in their various acquisitions and investments in or from Luxembourg.

Jefferson De Lima Matias Oliveira
Jefferson De Lima Matias Oliveira

Asset & Wealth Management,
PwC Luxembourg

Jefferson has assisted asset owners (private and institutional), asset managers, entrepreneurs, supranational institutions, SWF and investment banks for over 25 years in the areas of x-border in/divestment initiatives, fundraising-DCM, portfolio management, M&A, corporate strategy and value chain transformation. Jefferson has developed long-standing relationships with clients, shareholders, regulators, government officials and financial services-capital markets associations.

Prudential advice, long-term view, proactive approach and consistency are the foundations of his professional life. He has lived and worked in Central Europe, Latin America and SouthEast Asia.

Charles-Henri de Villedon de Naide

Wealth Management Manager,
PwC Luxembourg

Joining as an advisor in 2018 Charles-Henri has worked for the wealth management department ever since. He specialises in Luxembourg and international tax consulting and has advised wealthy families, entrepreneurs and institutional investors located in Luxembourg and globally on numerous tax assignments. His expertise covers wealth and corporate structuring. He holds a Master’s degree in Tax Law with a specialisation in Wealth Management (Aix-Marseille University, France).

The Netherlands

Niels Govers

Tax Partner Private Clients, Family Business & Family Office
PwC Netherlands

Niels has over 25 years of experience providing taxation and consulting advise to high net worth private clients, families and the owners of multi-generational family businesses in the Netherlands and worldwide across all industries. Also, Niels leads PwC's Single Family Office practice in the Netherlands and specialises in understanding the specific challenges families face during different phases in their lives and supports private clients, family businesses and (single) family offices in navigating the increasingly complex (global) tax landscape.

Niels is experienced in designing and implementing bespoke solutions to achieve families' long term objectives, such as intergenerational collaboration, wealth preservation, estate planning, asset protection, succession planning and tax optimisation. Also, the creation and optimisation of global ownership structures and (family) foundations.

Aleksandra Jovanovich
Aleksandra Jovanovich

Senior Manager, Private Wealth & Family Office
PwC Netherlands

Based in The Netherlands, Alex is a dual Swiss/Australian citizen. She has over 17 years experience in professional services in M&A Advisory, Strategy and Family Office Consulting services to private and family businesses, UHNWI and their family offices, financial services firms and large biotech and pharmaceutical companies.

She assists clients in the establishment of strong family-values alignment in the establishment and/or professionalisation of family offices and their ultimate operating model. In addition, Alex also supports clients in their philanthropic strategies. She is the global project lead for the PwC Global Private Wealth Network of practitioners. She is a qualified private pilot, first aid volunteer and european languages enthusiast. She has a Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) from Curtin University and Master of Commerce (Corporate Finance & Commercial Law) from the University of Sydney.

New Zealand

Louis McLennan
Louis McLennan

Tax Partner, Entrepreneurial and Private Business
PwC New Zealand

Louis is a tax and private business partner who specialises in advising family offices and high net worth individuals with complex affairs.

Louis advises a range of domestic and international families on various matters, including trust structures, the taxation of investments in property and financial assets, and international tax planning.

Bridget Winstone-Kight
Bridget Winstone-Kight

PwC New Zealand

Bridget is a director in our people-consulting team, PwC Workforce. Prior to joining PwC New Zealand, she worked in a London-based SFO as part of a small team managing a billion pound portfolio.

Bridget has a background in law (dual qualified in NZ and UK) and psychology, an MBA from London Business School, and is a certified executive coach (ICC). She has held non-executive directorships in the public and private sectors in NZ and the UK, and is a sixth generation member of her own family business.

Bridget works with family businesses on intergenerational change, talent development of family members and key staff, as well as organisational culture, values, and EVP.

Kate Caldwell
Kate Caldwell

Senior Manager - Tax, Entrepreneurial and Private Business,
PwC New Zealand

Kate is senior manager in PwC Legal’s tax team. She advises individuals and families, as well as their trustees and companies, on tax planning, succession planning and asset structuring.

Kate specialises in cross-border matters and has extensive experience providing complex tax and trust structuring advice for HNW and UHNW clients with intricate multi-jurisdictional affairs.

Prior to joining PwC New Zealand in 2022, Kate worked in a leading private client and tax team in London where she developed a particular expertise in advising international family offices.

Owen Gibson
Owen Gibson

Partner, Family Business Leader, Entrepreneurial and Private Business,
PwC New Zealand

Owen is a Partner in the Private Business team in the Wellington office. He has over 25 years experience working as a business advisor and accountant and works closely with clients across a broad range of industries including ICT, retail, property, importing and professional services.

Owen's focus is to assist his clients in improving their performance and achieving successful outcomes in their business activities.

Having spent his career advising private businesses, he is passionate about their success. This includes providing advice across a range of competencies including business planning, structuring, governance, accounting issues, tax, business and strategic advice.


Anuj Kagalwala

Partner, Asset & Wealth Management Tax Leader,
PwC Singapore

Anuj focuses on international advisory work and provides extensive consulting advice to family offices (as lead of the Family Office practice in Singapore), trust companies, private banks and UHNW families on taxation matters, including structuring of investments, setting up family offices and entry strategies into Asia. He is actively involved in discussing asset management and wealth management issues with relevant authorities, industry associations and key stakeholders in the industry. Anuj enjoys public speaking and teaches the Family Office Structuring module at the Wealth Management Institute, Singapore.

Trevina Talina

Partner, Financial Services Tax,
PwC Singapore

Trevina has over 12 years experience in Singapore tax work in the financial services sector. Specialising in tax advisory services in the asset and wealth management industry she has advised families in the set up of family offices and investment vehicles, the set-up of both Singapore and offshore investment funds and the fund management operations in Singapore, and advised on cross-border transactions or arrangement (such as permanent establishment exposure, tax treaties analysis and tax residency issues). Trevina is a graduate of the Singapore Management University and a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore.

Kexin Lim
Kexin Lim

Tax Partner, Entrepreneurial and Private Business,
PwC Singapore

Uniquely positioned with hands-on experience in Singapore, Jakarta and London, Kexin specialises in tax advisory for business families, family offices, NextGens and entrepreneurs end-to-end. Over her 18 year award winning career at PwC, Kexin has worked closely with principals and their teams at the investor, holding and operating levels to balance ownership and business needs in this dynamic tax environment.


Jürg Niederbacher

Partner, Leader Private Clients & Family Offices,
PwC Switzerland

As member of the Swiss oversight board for PwC Switzerland Jürg has over 20 year experience serving multinational clients with tax advice related to national and international matters. He has gained extensive experience in consulting corporate and private clients supporting them with the set-up, implementation and maintenance of sustainable tax structures. Jürg has advised national and international clients and family owned businesses in a significant number of M&A deals and has gained in-depth insight into various industries.

Lisa Cornwell
Lisa Cornwell

Partner, Family Offices & International,
PwC Switzerland

Lisa has 17 years experience providing advice to international private clients and family offices as well as the issues that banks and wealth managers face when dealing with complex international families. Her clients are typically banks, wealth managers, single and multi-family offices, private investment offices, trustees and entrepreneurs. Lisa has worked in the UK and Switzerland in banking and for the Big Four, so understands the issues clients face in a multifaceted way and is always seeking the most practical solution for her clients.

Samantha Geldart

Private Clients & Family Offices,
PwC Switzerland

As a UK Chartered Tax Advisor with 17 years experience at PwC she has significant experience providing international tax advice to wealthy families (including their wealth-holding structures), single and multi-family offices, trustees, banks, and privately-owned businesses. Prior to joining the Private Wealth team in Zurich, Sam was based in the PwC London Private Client Tax Team advising the firms largest and most complex international private families and their structures.

Lukas Kummer

Private Clients & Family Offices,
PwC Switzerland

Based in Zurich, Lukas is a Private Client Senior Manager with 8 years of experience. He specialises in providing tax and legal services for ultra-high net-worth individuals, family office services and tax planning. Before joining PwC in 2016, Lukas worked in the law department of a large Swiss insurance group and for a Swiss law firm.


Ismael Hajjar
Ismael Hajjar

Partner, Entrepreneurial and Private Business, Family Office Services,
PwC Middle East

Ismael Hajjar is a UAE based partner specialising in international tax & wealth structuring, family office and private capital advisory. He started his career in Europe and has been serving international families for over 16 years. He relocated to the UAE in 2013 and is currently acting as a trusted advisor to a number of successful families across the Middle East region.
He is leading PwC Tax and Legal service offering to private clients, entrepreneurial & royal families and family offices in helping them understand and manage their global affairs, overcome cross-border tax challenges and identify opportunities to achieve their family and business objectives.

Kimberley Wilks

Private Clients & Family Offices,
PwC Middle East

Kim advises families and the owners of multi generational family businesses across all industries and geographies in the Middle East and worldwide. Kim specialises in understanding the specific challenges families face and supports ultra high net worth private clients, private businesses and family offices in navigating the increasingly complex global tax landscape. Kim is experienced in designing bespoke solutions to achieve families’ long term objectives (such as asset protection, wealth preservation, succession planning and tax optimisation) and in the creation and optimisation of global ownership structures, including the use of corporate entities, trusts and foundations across multiple jurisdictions.

Amin Nasser

Senior Adviser to the PwC Middle East Private Business Practice

Amin Nasser is an ex-PwC Senior Partner and is currently the Senior Advisor to PwC’s Middle East Family Business practice across the Middle East, and has been with the firm in Dubai and London for over 30 years with a major focus on the Family Businesses across the Middle East. He has worked with a large number of Families advising them on key Family issues such as Continuity, Succession Planning and Conflict Management. Amin was responsible for developing the firm’s activities in Family Business Advisory. Amin joined a Family business conglomerate, Gulf Marketing Group (GMG), as the CEO in 2015. Responsible for driving the Group’s overall growth and productivity across the Middle East, Amin worked closely with the Deputy Chairman to develop and execute the Group’s long term strategy.


Alison Hill

Private Client Partner, London,

Alison is a Partner in PwC's international private client team with more than 20 years of experience advising high net worth international families, their businesses and their trust structures. She works closely with a number of family offices providing UK tax advice and liaising with our international tax network to bring a global service where required. Alison has extensive experience of working with institutions providing services to such individuals, helping them to ensure that the services they are providing are appropriate to their client's requirements from a UK tax perspective.

Lee Stamp

Private Client Partner & North Region Private Client Leader,

Lee leads the Private Client tax practice across the North of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. He acts for a wide range of clients across the North of England, nationally and internationally advising them on their personal, family, trust, business and charitable interests. Lee's clients include private offices, entrepreneurs, private business owners and their businesses, trustees and landed estates. Developing long-term, successful tax and wealth management strategies, Lee brings fresh ideas and insight to help clients structure their affairs across multi-jurisdictions and multi-generations. Lee is a member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation. He has led their local technical seminars and has lectured on trust tax issues and capital tax planning.

Susie Simpson

UK Private Client Leader,

Susie leads the UK Private Client and Private Office business for PwC UK and the Private Business practice in Scotland and has been a Partner since 2014. Susie's background before joining PwC 14 years ago was as a practicing tax lawyer with firms in London and Edinburgh. Susie's legal experience means that she is ideally placed to bridge the gap between advising individuals with both private and business wealth as well as the business itself at every stage of its lifecycle through growth, succession and beyond.

Christine Cairns

Partner, Private Clients in Alternative Investment Funds,

Christine is a Private Client tax advisor with an alternative asset  management focus. She advises clients on their personal tax affairs, complex international matters including residence, domicile, remittances, asset ownership structures, inheritance tax and trusts, specialising in putting that advice within the context of their industry. More broadly, she helps clients and private offices structure private and collective investment structures. Her team advises clients on the impact of fund and deal structures on their investors, how to tax and report carried interest and coinvestment, manage the disguised investment management fees rules, deal with HMRC enquiries, and all matters tax compliance related.

Will Dowsett

Private Client Partner and Central Region Private Client Leader,

Will leads the Private Client practice in the Midlands and joined PwC in 2008 after starting his career at Arthur Andersen. He advises HNWIs and entrepreneurs on how they can achieve the optimum tax structure for their business interests and investments, as well as how they plan for future succession. He has over 16 years' experience, working with a broad range of clients ranging from some of the wealthiest families in the UK to entrepreneurs who are just starting out.


Danielle Valkner

Advisory Partner, Family Enterprise Advisory Services,

Danielle works with private businesses, family businesses and financial services organizations in the areas of finance effectiveness and reporting, technology innovation, process improvement, operating model transformations, due diligence, risk management, and vendor selection. Prior to PwC, she worked for two global asset managers, gaining experience in Chief Financial and Chief Administrative Officer roles, responsible for financial reporting, strategic planning and analysis, infrastructure, finance, treasury, accounting and internal controls. She spent over 10 years as an auditor in the financial services sector. Danielle graduated summa cum laude from Augustana College in Accounting and Business Administration. She is a licensed CPA and an Elijah Watt Sells award recipient.

Lindsey Thor

Principal, Personal Financial Services,

Lindsey advises multinational HNWIs, families, family offices and executives on domestic and international tax compliance and consulting matters. She specializes in international individual tax and cross border consulting-leading the global work nationally for Personal Financial Services. Her work covers tax technical areas such as wealth planning, entity structuring, state and local tax planning, and charitable giving. She has lectured on cross border issues affecting individuals and families both locally and nationally. She co-authored PwC’s annual year-end planning guide, “Managing your Wealth”. Lindsey received her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Santa Clara University. She is a member of the New York State CPA society and has served as a committee member of the society's International Tax Group since 2012.

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Contact us

Brittney Saks

Brittney Saks

Global Leader, UHNWI Private Wealth, PwC United States

Tel: +1 (773) 610 0189

Peter Englisch

Peter Englisch

Global Family Business Leader and EMEA Entrepreneurial & Private Business Leader, Partner, PwC Germany
