PwC appoints Jan Sijbrand and Troy Paredes as external directors to its global oversight board

  • Press Release
  • March 03, 2021

London, Wednesday 3 March 2021 - PwC has appointed two external directors to join its global oversight board. Jan Sijbrand and Troy Paredes will join the board of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL), which is responsible for the governance of PwCIL and the PwC network, oversight of PwC’s network leadership team, and approval of the standards by which each PwC firm must abide.

From 5 March 2021, Jan and Troy will work with the existing 18 board members who are made up of partners and principals from 13 PwC firms from across the world and as of June 24, 2021 they will formally join the new PwCIL board which is currently being elected.

Jan has enjoyed a long career in banking, including head of risk management for ABN Amro, Chief Risk Officer and member of the managing board of NIBC bank, and member of the executive board and chairman for supervision of De Nederlandsche Bank. In addition Jan was a member of the supervisory board of the European Central Bank from 2015 -2018 and a member of the board of supervisors of the European Banking Authority from 2011-2018. Jan brings a wealth of experience of financial services, risk management, oversight and supervision. Jan also currently serves as deputy chairman of the supervisory board of PwC Netherlands.

Troy is the founder of Paredes Strategies LLC, a consulting firm. He served as an SEC commissioner in the United States from 2008 to 2013 -- during the financial crisis and its aftermath. During his time with the SEC, Troy played a key role in rulemakings and other regulatory matters concerning all aspects of securities regulation. Troy brings to the PwCIL board a truly extensive breadth of experience, including governance, compliance, strategy and regulatory. Troy also currently serves as an external director on the oversight board of PwC US.

“I am delighted to welcome Jan and Troy to the board of PwCIL. We are fortunate to have attracted two such talented and experienced individuals and I look forward to working with them,” said Paul Kepple, PwCIL Governance Board Chairman. “Troy and Jan will bring much appreciated outside perspectives, and help us to challenge our thinking and enhance our culture as we work together to build the PwC of the future.”

“Understanding the needs of all our stakeholders across the world has never been more important for PwC. Having Jan and Troy on our global board will bring a wealth of experience and depth of knowledge and add new and unique perspectives to our board discussions,” added Bob Moritz, global chairman of the PwC Network.


Global Board: The Board of PwCIL will, following the appointments of Jan and Troy, comprise 20 members who are responsible for the governance of PwCIL and the PwC network, oversight of the Network Leadership Team, and approval of network standards. With the exception of Jan and Troy, each of the other 18 members are full-time partners or principals of PwC member firms around the world. Of the current 18 board members, six are female. The PwCIL Board is currently chaired by Paul Kepple, a partner in PwC’s US firm. The Board has five standing committees: the Governance Committee, Clients and Markets Committee, Technology and Innovation Committee, Risk, Quality and Public Interest Committee and the Operations Committee.


PwC Global Oversight Board

About PwC: At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 152 countries with over 327,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at

PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.

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