Global Culture Survey 2021 video transcript

Profound shifts in the world have changed what it takes to be successful.

The rules of the game are no longer obvious.
Leaders are grappling with big challenges:
digital transformation
hiring and retaining the best talent
developing new ways of working
67% say culture has a bigger impact on performance than strategy or operating model.
Having a distinctive culture can be a competitive advantage
delivering increased revenue
and greater customer and employee satisfaction.
Culture has risen up the leadership agenda and has exploded as a topic of conversation.
The Katzenbach Center are PwC's experts on organisational culture, teaming and leadership
3,000+ leaders and workers at the world’s leading businesses told us how culture creates success.
Organisations with a distinctive culture maintain performance and adapt better to sudden change.
69% of adaptable organisations say their culture has been a source of competitive advantage.
As we adapt to very different working conditions the value of culture will be tested once again.
Shifts towards hybrid and blended working models will challenge workplace culture.
44% of those working from home say it became more difficult to preserve a sense of community with colleagues.
41% say coaching and development became more difficult.
An organisation’s culture is unique and can be a source of competitive advantage.
85% who say their organisation’s leaders are role models of value, purpose and culture also say that culture was a source of competitive advantage during the pandemic.

But leaders need to understand how cultural traits support or hinder change

understand how they align to their strategic goals and take steps to activate the right behaviours.

We know from experience that an organisation’s culture is deeply rooted and slow to evolve.
But the last year has shown that organisations can achieve rapid changes with a targeted focus on a few critical behaviours.
Organisational culture is a powerful ally in unlocking value now and in the future.

See the full report at

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Varya Davidson

Varya Davidson

Partner, ESG Strategy and Transformation , Strategy&

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Christopher Hannegan

Principal, Transformation, PwC United States

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Director and US Lead, The Katzenbach Center, PwC United States

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Bhushan Sethi

Strategy&, Principal, PwC United States

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