Skilled labour deficit in the public sector (German language edition)

This study, prepared on the basis of data from the “Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut WifOR”, forecasts a total of 816,000 jobs in the public sector will be vacant in 2030, and this at a time when the tasks, and therefore the demands on employees, are becoming ever more complex.

The public sector is the part of the labour market with the highest absolute deficiency: in addition to teachers and administrative staff, there will be shortages of engineers, information and telecommunication specialists (ITC), as well as employees in the health and care sectors. In our study, we show what steps the public sector, and especially municipalities, can take to retain its workforce and attract employees in the future.

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Peter Detemple

Partner Public Sector Consulting, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 681 9814-152

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