Growing NGOs and PwC partners and staff through board placement programs

Setting the scene

PwC firms are helping to build a stronger and more transparent NGO sector, in order to enable these organisations to deliver support when and where their societies need it most, including growing diversity on boards, building organisational capacity and transparency, and building trust in the sector.

In Australia and Canada PwC’s board seat programmes are designed to support and encourage PwC partners and staff to add value and make a positive impact in the NGO, not-for-profit and social enterprise sectors through seeking and applying for board and advisory positions. PwC partners and directors are provided training and support to prepare for a board or committee position in an organisation in which they are passionate.  Aspiring board members in our Australian and Canadian firms can access board-matching services designed to match their skills, passions and expertise with a board that’s right for them. PwC Canada offers ‘Board Basics’ training to employees where aspiring board members are educated on the skills, duties, liabilities and confidence needed to join a not-for-profit board or committee as well as to accelerate the effectiveness of PwC people who are new to these positions.

Board service is also an opportunity for PwC partners and staff in PwC US, where individuals are encouraged to sharpen their leadership skills, fulfill their personal purpose, and offer new insights, learnings and relevance to NGO, not-for-profit organisations and social enterprise organisations through board positions. PwC US has also created thought leadership in relation to diversity on boards. In June 2019, PwC US published a study, Age Diversity in the boardroom: PwC’s Census of Board Directors 50 and Under, that found only 6% of board seats in S&P 500 companies are held by directors aged 50 and under, and emphasises the many benefits of age diversity on boards. Through programmes like those run in PwC Australia, PwC Canada and PwC US, PwC aims to increase diversity across areas like age and gender.

The Community Connections Programme, co-organised by PwC China and five other financial institutions, is designed to serve as a bridge between the corporate and not-for-profit sectors and to connect corporate participants with not-for-profit organisations seeking directors, advisors, committee members or skilled volunteers. In FY18, five introductory sessions engaged over 50 NFPs and 100 corporate participants. To enhance the impact of the programme, directors training is provided to corporate employees to prepare them to take on a role with one of the NFP organisations. PwC also offered pro bono training workshops for NFP participants covering strategic planning, impact measurement and communication.

In 2016, PwC China co-developed the NGO Transparency Tool. The tool asks NGOs to complete approximately 50 questions which helps them to better understand the level of transparency of their reports and external communications, then provides possible improvement opportunities and best practice.


The impact of supporting PwC partners and staff to pursue opportunities on boards is two-fold. NGOs gain access to more diverse representation, fresh perspectives and approaches to governance, and leaders who are motivated to solve complex problems. For PwC partners and staff, serving on a board is a great opportunity to offer a meaningful contribution to the community, while building valuable leadership skills and creating lasting relationships.

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Colm Kelly

Colm Kelly

Global Corporate Sustainability Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited

Bethan Grillo

Bethan Grillo

Global Corporate Sustainability Managing Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
