Episode 101: The time is now: year-end TP adjustments in China

December 12, 2023


In this TP Talks episode, Kristina Novak (Principal in PwC’s US National Tax Services Transfer Pricing Practice), Jessica Yin (Transfer Pricing Partner, PwC Shanghai), Rong Zhen (Corporate Tax and Forex Partner, PwC Shanghai), and Nancy Chen (Transfer Pricing Senior Manager, PwC Shanghai) discuss why many MNCs operating in China have been more attentive to year-end transfer pricing adjustments (TPAs), what TPAs Chinese subsidiaries might need to undertake, the challenges cross-border TPAs present in China, and options available for MNCs to implement year-end adjustments. The speakers also address indirect tax implications for upward TPAs, and how taxpayers can respond to a potential inquiry.

Contacts: Kristina Novak, Jessica YinRong ZhenNancy Chen

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Horacio Peña

Global Transfer Pricing Leader, PwC US

Tel: +1 (917) 478-5817

Kristina Novak

Washington National Tax Services, Transfer Pricing, Principal, PwC US

Tel: +1 (469) 878-4552
