Discovery and information management

Electronically-stored information often grows faster than an organisation’s ability to manage it. IT systems are designed for normal business needs; they are not designed to respond to critical incidents that create a sudden need for that data to be preserved, analysed and produced.

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Managing your data in a time of crisis

Data is crucial to your business. Even on a good day it's hard to manage. And in times of crisis, the challenge is intense.

How do you navigate litigations, investigations and crises in the digital age? Watch our video on Digital Forensics and eDiscovery.

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Digital Forensics and eDiscovery: Navigating litigation,

Our Forensics technology teams can help you manage vast amounts of electronic data and navigate the legal and business processes demanded by critical events. Critical event include litigation, regulatory requests and internal investigations.

Contact us

Philip  Upton

Philip Upton

Global Forensic Technology Solutions Leader, PwC US

Tel: +1 (646) 471-7508

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