A series revolving around business risk
Our new Perspectives in Risk series brings you the latest insights and real life experiences from an ever changing business risk landscape, helping you rethink risk and prompt consideration of your organisation’s strategy, capabilities and performance.
We will explore risk under a wide range of topics from internal audit, resilience, governance, compliance and digital.
You will get diverse and interesting perspectives on the issues that matter from a variety of Middle East business leaders, as well as our own experts.
NEOM, an initiative led by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF), is an ambitious destination now under development in the northwest of the country, at the intersection of Asia, Europe and Africa. Its goal is to become the ‘future of liveability’, built from the ground up, focused on community, and using advanced technologies to redefine how humanity lives, works, and plays – with a commitment to environmental sustainability.
"The Middle East is a dynamic region with a constantly evolving and complex risk landscape. Businesses need to be aware, agile and proactively ensure they are continuously assessing and improving their risk capabilities whether it is elevating their Internal Audit function, streamlining business procedures and controls or utilising innovative technology solutions. The past year of disruption has truly shown us that new risks can materialise at any time in any area so the need to be able to cope with any eventuality is critical."
Reach out to start a conversation
Adnan Zaidi
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