Litigation and disputes

Your deal journey

Prepare for litigation or disputes

No company enters an agreement expecting it to end in dispute. Yet business disputes often happen and have become increasingly disruptive and complicated.

Whether you’re a corporate executive or internal or external counsel, we can help you protect the organization's core business and assist in both avoiding potential litigation and facing disputes if they arise. Our professionals investigate and analyze the merits of a claim, quantify losses and provide credible expert testimony.

From the boardroom to the courtroom, we can help. Our team can help you move to resolution as quickly as possible so you can get on with what you do best—running your business.

Step 1: Pre-dispute

I want to…

Prevent class actions

Identify early signs of a potential class action, mitigate the risks and prevent them from developing into costly disputes.

Undergo a contract review

Review contracts under development with our litigation and disputes specialists to reduce your exposure to contractual gaps and accounting issues that have been the subject of other disputes.

Develop a pre-litigation strategy

Be ready if problems arise. Litigation consulting can help you be proactive and establish procedures, as well as identify improvement opportunities relating to the conduct of discovery in response to legal and regulatory demands.

Get independent advice on a potential claim

Receive independent litigation and dispute advice, whether you’re the claimant or defendant, on matters including shareholder disputes and commercial, securities and investor litigation.

Get an early claims assessment

Understand the value of damages and economic losses with independent valuation advice to help determine a strategic course of action and assess alternatives for dispute resolution.

Formulate my e-discovery plan

Be ready before litigation strikes. Our e-discovery specialists can help with the compliance of your internal document retention policy. Plus, we will help identify, preserve, process and review electronically stored information, which you’ll need in the case of litigation, criminal investigation, regulatory enquiry, internal investigation or regulatory compliance disclosure.

Step 2: Dispute

I want to…

Prepare for examination for discovery

Get the information you need. We provide counsel with advice related to areas and documents for consideration during the examination for discovery stage. Our forensics specialists also help clients identify and preserve relevant documents they need to respond to document requests.

Support or rebut a claim

Get independent and defensible litigation and dispute advice supported by data analytics, analyses and experience to withstand scrutiny.

Resolve a dispute

Get dependable financial and economic analysis prepared in accordance with relevant policies or provisions for insurance claims, contract disputes, expropriation claims and more. This can help you withstand challenge and scrutiny.

Secure expert witness testimony

Get financial and economic analysis from recognized expert witnesses who investigate the issues, often with the assistance of our forensic technology team, for those involved in litigation, arbitration or mediations.

Step 3: Post-dispute

I want to…

Be prepared for any future disputes

Develop a program to be proactive about future issues, augment your litigation strategy and remediate any identifiable root causes.

Administer a settlement

Get assistance from our disputes team with administering a settlement, from assessing eligibility, collecting case-specific data and quantifying entitlement to disbursing settlement proceeds and related reporting.

Contact us

Domenic Marino

Domenic Marino

National Deals Leader, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 941 8265

William Platt

William Platt

Partner, Forensic Services, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 814 5710

Zainab Walji

Zainab Walji

Partner, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 815 5099

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