
Prepare, respond, emerge stronger

A crisis can trigger an array of negative business impacts, including operational disruption, reputational damage and destruction of shareholder value. But if a crisis is by definition unexpected, what’s the most strategic way to prepare in a world marked by fast and disruptive change?

In a world characterized by geopolitical volatility, technological disruption, global pandemics and social tension, organizations need to be prepared for all eventualities. As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us first-hand, it’s crucial for organizations to be ready with a strategic, adaptive and timely response to major threats—and then to take action on lessons learned after the crisis has passed.

But even though business leaders are increasingly recognizing the importance of resilience, our recent PwC Global Crisis Survey found a striking 95% of leaders report their crisis management capabilities need improving.

At PwC Canada, we have a dedicated team of professionals who help organizations build their resilience to successfully navigate a crisis. We bring a breadth of expertise in all areas of crisis management and will work closely with you to develop the capabilities of your teams and build stakeholder trust in your ability to plan for, respond to and emerge stronger from a crisis.

Confront crisis and take advantage of opportunities

The scope of today’s threats and risks make it critical for organizations to sharpen their plans for a crisis. But how do you know whether you’ve done enough?

Our professionals can help you assess and develop your capabilities to respond to any crisis. Our services include:

  • Crisis preparedness maturity assessments
  • Crisis program build and enhancements
  • Stakeholder mapping and engagement
  • Exercises and simulations
  • Crisis training
  • Business continuity planning

When a crisis hits your organization, you’re likely to see an impact on stakeholder confidence and market value, especially if the situation plays out publicly. And the impacts can be serious and long lasting, making it critical for organizations to respond effectively.

We’ve assessed the impacts by comparing the market value of organizations perceived to have responded both well and poorly to a crisis. The research shows that companies that respond well are not only less impacted initially but also significantly outperform afterwards.

We can bring resources with deep technical expertise to help organizations ensure an effective response. Our services include:

  • Incident response 
  • Forensic investigations 
  • Strategy and governance
  • Integrated response, management and crisis coordination
  • Operational response and fact finding
  • Legal and regulatory support
  • Liquidity crisis response

No matter what situation you face, it’s important to uncover opportunities for your organization to emerge from the crisis in better shape by identifying lessons observed and making any changes required.

Our team of specialists brings together operations, restructuring and strategy expertise to help you act quickly and accelerate your recovery. We can help with:

  • Turnaround 
  • Post-incident review
  • Integrating lessons learned

“When it comes to crisis response, building capability through structure and training in advance is key. The goal is that when the time comes, you can leverage that muscle memory to respond and adapt to the specific situation.”

Ed MatleyNational Crisis and Resilience Leader, Partner, PwC Canada
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Contact us

Domenic Marino

Domenic Marino

National Deals Leader, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 993 1350

Edward Matley

Edward Matley

National Crisis & Resilience Leader, Partner, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 604 806 7634
