Augmenting life with MIT Technology Review Arabia

PwC Middle East partnered with MIT Technology Review Arabia for the conference “Augmenting Life: How Artificial Intelligence is transforming the future of public health, the environment, entertainment and culture”.

How did we take part?

Matthew White, Partner, Technology Consulting, delivered the keynote on responsible AI, its effects and importance in the session “Responsible AI: How important is it?”. 

He shared his thoughts on:

  • What constitutes Responsible AI as there is no consistent accepted definition of what it really means.

  • What the dimensions of Responsible AI are, namely a number of macro ethical, societal and control dimensions as well as technical performance & security dimensions. 

    • Ethical & Societal: Ethics & Regulation

    • Performance & Security: Bias & Fairness; Interpretability & Explainability; Robustness, Security, Safety & Privacy

    • Control: Governance

  • How the mishandling of AI can have massive consequences on society and ethics

  • Why one of the biggest challenges that society faces is the “race” mentality, where most players in the AI space want to be first.

  • How organisations need to start collaborating instead of competing in the context of AI

Dr Scott Nowson, Director, Digital Services also took part in the panel “Using AI tools to make health services more accessible, affordable, and inclusive” in which he shared insight on the way AI can be used the right way in healthcare and its use cases. Dr Scott also stressed the importance of awareness of bias with data when it comes to AI in the industry.

The conference further offered insights from global experts, entrepreneurs, researchers, and policymakers who are working to understand AI and its far-reaching implications on sustainability, health, work, entertainment and culture.

Watch the sessions here and reach out to us for further information.

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Responsible AI: How important is it?

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Using AI tools to make health services more accessible, affordable, and inclusive.

Contact us

Samer Omar

Cybersecurity & Digital Trust Leader, PwC Middle East

Dr. Scott Nowson

Director, Artificial Intelligence Lead, PwC Middle East

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