Accuride Canada Inc.


Page last updated: January 28, 2025

This page is for information purposes only and you should consult your professional adviser if you have any questions or are uncertain as to your rights or obligations.

Status of File as of January 28, 2025

On January 27, 2025, the Court issued the Expanded Powers, WEPPA and Stay Extension Order which, among other things:

1.     Expanded the powers of the Monitor;

2.     Declared that WEPPA applied to this CCAA Proceeding; and

3.     Extended the Stay Period to March 28, 2025.

Status of File as of January 25, 2025

On January 22, 2025, the Monitor filed its Fourth Report (the “Fourth Report”) to provide the Court with the information on the following:

  1. The activities of the Company and the Monitor since the Third Report;
  2. The Company’s motion for the Expanded Powers, WEPPA and Stay Extension Order;
  3. The Company’s actual cash flows for the period from December 6, 2024 to January 10, 2025 as compared to the cash flow forecast, for the same period of time; and
  4. The Company’s cash flow forecast for the period from January 17, 2025 to March 28, 2025 prepared in connection with the requested extension of the Stay Period to March 28, 2025.

Status of File as of January 21, 2025

On January 20, 2025, the Company filed its motion for an order (the “Expanded Powers, WEPPA and Stay Extension Order”) to, among other things:

  1. Expand the Monitor’s power to facilitate the administration of the Company’s business, property, operations, affairs and estate and the completion of the CCAA Proceeding, and to provide certain protections to the Monitor in connection therewith;
  2. Declare that Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Canada) and its relevant regulations apply to this CCAA Proceeding; and
  3. Extend the Stay Period to and including March 28, 2025.

The motion will be heard on January 27, 2025

Status of File as of December 16, 2024

On December 12, 2024, the Court issued the Plant Winddown Arrangement Order which, among other things:

1.     Approved the Plant Winddown Agreement;

2.     Approved the ERP for the Company’s active salaried employees;

3.     Sealed the confidential appendix “A” and “B” to the Monitor’s Third Report;

4.     Approved the First Amendment to Accommodation Agreement between the Company, Accuride Corp. and GM; and

5.     Extended the Stay Period to and including January 31, 2025

Status of File as of December 12, 2024

On December 10, 2024, the Monitor filed its Third Report (the “Third Report”) with the Court to provide the Court with information on:

  1. The Activities of the Company and the Monitor since the Second Report;
  2. The Company’s motion for the Plant Winddown Arrangement Order and the Monitor’s views in connection with this motion; and
  3. The Company’s actual cash flows and cash flow forecast.

Status of File as of December 9, 2024

On December 9, 2024, the Company filed its motion for an order (the “Plant Winddown Arrangement Order”) to among other things:

  1. Approving the winddown arrangements (the “Plant Winddown Agreement”) entered into with Unifor, Local 27, Unit 17 (the “Union”), which winddown arrangements include, among other things, the payment of Production & Retention Bonuses to the Company’s hourly unionized employees;
  2. Approve an employee production and retention plan (the “ERP”) for the Company’s active salaried employees;
  3. Seal the confidential appendix “A” and “B” to the Monitor’s Third Report;
  4. Approve the First Amendment to Accommodation Agreement between the Company, Accuride Corp and GM; and
  5. Extending the Stay Period to and including January 31, 2025

The motion will be heard on December 12, 2024 and will be held over Zoom at:

Status of File as of November 15, 2024

On November 15, 2024, the Court issued the Second Amended and Restated Initial Order which, among other things:

  1. Approved, nunc pro tunc, the Accommodation Agreement between the Company, Accuride Corporation and GM; and
  2. Approved the GM Charge.

Status of File as of November 9, 2024

On November 9, 2024, the Monitor filed its Second Report (the “Second Report”) with the Court to provide the Court with the information on:

  1. The activities of the Monitor and the Company since the First Report;
  2. The Company’s actual cashflows from October 18, 2024 to November 1, 2024 compared the forecast;
  3. The activities of Perella Weinberg Partners on the marketing process;
  4. The Interim GM Agreement (as defined in the Second Report); and
  5. The Monitor’s conclusions and recommendations with respect to the Company’s motion for the Second Amended and Restated Order.

On November 8, 2024, the Company filed its motion for an order (the “Second Amended and Restated Initial Order”) to, among other things:

  1. Approve, nunc pro tunc, the accommodation agreement (the “Accommodation Agreement”) between the Company, Accuride Corporation and General Motors LLC (“GM”) and
  2. Approve the GM Charge (defined in the motion)

The motion will be heard on November 15, 2024 at 8:30 am (Toronto Time). To join the hearing, please use the Zoom link below:

Zoom Link:

Status of File as of October 17, 2024

On October 17, 2024, the Monitor filed its First Report (the “First Report”) with the Court to inform the Court on the:

  1. Activities of the Company and the Monitor since the Filing Date;
  2. Company’s cash flow forecast;
  3. Monitor’s views on the Company’s motion for the Amended and Restated Initial Order (“ARIO”), which would, among other things:
    1. Extend the Stay Period to December 13, 2024;
    2. Approve the Intercompany Supply Agreement (as defined in the First Report); and
    3. Increase the amount of the Administration Charge, the Directors’ Charge and the Intercompany Charge.

The Comeback Hearing is scheduled on October 18, 2024 at 2 p.m. (EST). To join the Comeback Hearing please use the Zoom Link below:

Meeting ID: 687 6344 5471
Passcode: 530196 

Status of File as of October 10, 2024

On October 10, 2024 (the “Filing Date”), Accuride Canada Inc. (the “Applicant” or the “Company”) applied for and received an order (the “Initial Order”) for protection pursuant to the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act R.S.C.1985, c.C-36, as amended (the “CCAA Proceeding”) from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) (the “Court”).

The Initial Order, among other things:

  1. Appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., LIT (”PwC”) as monitor of the Company (the “Monitor”);
  2. Approved a stay of proceedings up to and including October 20, 2024 (“Stay Period”), which applies against the Company or the Monitor, or any of their respective employees and representatives, any of the former, current or future directors or officers of the Company and the Company’s Property and Business (as defined in the Initial Order); and
  3. Approved the Administration Charge, Directors’ Charge and Intercompany Charge (each as defined in the Initial Order) against the Property of the Company.

The Initial Order and other related court filings are available at the links above.

The Court has scheduled a comeback hearing on October 18, 2024 (the “Comeback Hearing”). Further details regarding the Comeback Hearing will be posted on this website as they become available.

Any inquiries from customers, vendors, employees or other stakeholders regarding the CCAA Proceedings can be directed to the Monitor at

Contact us

Tammy Muradova

Accuride Canada Inc., PwC Canada

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