The Academy
PwC Educational Institute

Akademia PwC

The PwC Academy brings you training to help you advance, develop your knowledge and move forward in the professional world, because continuous learning is the key to success.

15 years
on Slovak market
50 educational courses
and international programs
45 trainers and experts
from Slovakia and the CEE region
2 350+ trained students
and graduates annually

Our vision is to help you create complex future leaders, who will ensure you are successful in the market via a combination of internationally recognized professional qualifications and management skills training.

What do our alumni say?

"Our cooperation with PwC Academy in Slovakia started in 2013, when we opened a small FIA group. Based on a very good learning experience, employees’ feedback and results, the group grew nearly 10-fold over time. The Academy helped us build an educational system for the continuous development of our professionals. Now after 3 years, more than 250 students study with us for internationally recognised qualifications including FIA, ACCA, and DipIFR every year. Study programmes are a significant part of our talent development programme. Our pass rates are excellent - over 85%. We highly appreci-ate the consultative approach and the administrative support of PwC Academy."

Mikuláš Chovanec, CEE & MEA Statutory Accounting Manager

"HR Academy provides excellent training which gives you, in addition to theoretical knowledge, plenty of practical experience, both from the lecturer and from other participants. It is a great motivation and a strong benefit that you can discuss day-to-day activities from work with colleagues from other spheres, and get a different perspective on various issues, and draw on the experience of others working in the sector. HR Academy is an ideal combination of training, discussion, testing case studies in groups, and exchanging experience with each other."

Alexandra Štipalová, HR Administrator & Deputy HR Manager

"The PMP training course which I attended under the guidance of our lecturer, Mr Róbert Srnka, was excellent preparation for the PMP exams, and provided in-depth knowledge of PMI methodology. Mr Srnka explained the connection between theory and practice very clearly, used various games and ex-ercises to make the course more attractive, which significantly contributed to the fact that, immediately after passing the course, I was able to apply theory to practice. The PMP training course helped us significantly improve our project structure and documentation. The training course made an excellent impression thanks to the professionalism, client-oriented approach, and flexibility of the PwC staff. As a result, our entire One.ERP project team prepared for the PMP exams exclusively at PwC under the guidance of Mr Róbert Srnka."

Rastislav Bekenyi, One.ERP Stream lead R2R/GL

"I would like to express my thanks for this form of studying. I think there has not been anything like this in Slovakia before: a training course in Slovak, over a longer period of time, giving each participant the possibility and time to process the acquired knowledge, memorise it, and then really get to work with the new information. The training course was very well organized, and I highly appreciate the fact that the theory was explained using practical examples with the chance for participants to discuss issues. I will certainly recommend the course to others, and thanks once again!"

Miroslava Križáková, Head of Accounting

"I am extremely glad that I decided to study DipIFR at the PwC’s Academy. I can make good use of the theoretical knowledge acquired during exam preparation, mainly thanks to my experienced tutor who gave us the benefits of his extensive practical experience, in addition to teaching us the theory via many examples. I have already completed several training courses at the PwC’s Academy, but the DipIFR was the first one where I decided to take the exam. Though the preparation was hard, it also helped me improve as regards accounting standards, as I did not have much practical experience with them until then. After successful completing the DipIFR course, I feel confident that whatever topic comes up at work, I can immediately apply the respective standard. I recommend DipIFR to everyone who works in accounting, finance, or audit. The ability to apply IFRS standards in practice will be of benefit at every company."

Veronika Kuricová, General Ledger Team Leader

"The classes of the IFRS Academy training course were excellent. You have very good lecturers, who do not mechanically recite the standard texts word for word, but understand the substance and are interested in passing this “philosophy” on. I also give the PwC’s IFRS Academy training course a very positive rating compared to my experience with competing IFRS training courses. I am very happy I was able to attend your IFRS Academy training course."

Jana Šnircová, Financial analyst

"The tutor Robert, as an experienced project manager, knew how to inform in an engaging way, not only to long-term project coordinators who solve projects in a more methodical way, but also to beginners in project management. A big bonus for me was that Robert made the course of the training special with short presentations linked to his life experiences. I positively assess the organization of the course and the communication with representatives of the PwC Academy, which was smooth and friendly."

Viktória Štrbáková, financial manager

Contact us

Radoslav Blahuta

Radoslav Blahuta

The Academy Sales Manager, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 910 420 818

Matej Turčan

Matej Turčan

Senior Sales Representative, Academy, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 910 509 115

Dušan Majerník

Dušan Majerník

Senior Sales Representative, Academy, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 910 427 641

Dominik Schwarz

Dominik Schwarz

Senior Sales Representative, Academy, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 911 118 701

Daniel Šidlík

Daniel Šidlík

Senior Sales Representative, Academy, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 901 715 046

PwC's  Academy

PwC's Academy

Educational Institute, PwC Slovakia

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