Award for the D4/R7 Project PPP Deal of the Year 2016 in Europe

Feb 03, 2017

Bratislava, 2 February 2017 – On 1 February 2017, the Project Finance International Magazine (“PFI”) gave the "PPP Deal of the Year 2016 in Europe" Award to the D4/R7 Project in Slovakia. The Bratislava bypass project was recognised in the European competition in the project financing section. PwC in Slovakia and the Czech Republic were the leading advisors in this project, and they co-operated with other firms and the Slovak Ministry of Transport, Construction, and Regional Development from 2014 to 2016. The awards dinner took place at The Hilton Hotel, Park Lane, London and was attended by more than 800 senior project finance professionals.

“It is evident that Slovakia can undertake high quality PPP highway projects, which if well prepared and well tendered represent, at current interest prices, a favourable option for building road infrastructure. Due to the effective transfer of risks to the private sector during operation, the government can plan expenses for the next 30 years. This is because it will only have to pay the tendered fixed price and nothing for highway maintenance and repairs,” said Mr. Jan Brázda, Leader of the PwC Advisory Team.

About Project Finance International

The PFI Awards are the most prestigious awards in the global project finance market and the fortnightly magazine Project Finance International (Thomson Reuters) is the main source of global information about project financing, and reports on the latest projects, including initial information and in-depth analyses.

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Mariana Butkovská

Mariana Butkovská

Marketing & Communications Leader, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 904 941 500

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