Juraj Porubský

The technological revolution will affect us, whether we like it or not. But we do not know how. A CEO has an un-enviable position. Issues that have not been solved using corporate procedures land on his desk. And behind the CEO’s office, there is usually only a window. So, he will either resolve the problems, or he can throw them out of this window.

So far, we do not have the answer to many problems. From a CEO’s point of view, it is more acceptable if we know that we do not know something. For example, customers’ shopping behaviour has already changed, but we do not know how to respond to it. The wheels in the firm start turning with the objective of finding a solution.

However, we are living in times with many unknowns, which we do not have the slightest idea about so far. Technologies are changing rapidly. Before the iPhone, how many CEOs knew that the mobile world would change totally? And did the boss of Nokia anticipate this?

Therefore, today courage is one of the most important qualities of a CEO. Courage to take a step forward, although everyone can see there is an abyss in front of us. Just like Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade. A CEO must set the direction and then move forward. Without hesitation.

The second key issue is to train one’s team to move flexibly in a completely different direction if needed. Without losing enthusiasm. Because the technological revolution will bring many unforeseeable changes in the future. And we really do not know what we currently don’t know.

Juraj Porubský
Šéfredaktor Forbes



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