Melody Chiu

Melody Chiu

Partner, Financial Services Tax, PwC Canada

Melody is a Partner in PwC Canada’s Financial Services Tax practice. She is the operations leader for PwC’s Real Estate and Financial Services Tax group overseeing the team’s financial and human resource matters.

Melody has extensive experience in auditing and providing tax services to major asset management and finance organizations. She has advised and helped multinational enterprises and major financial institutions structure operations in Canada and managing cross-border tax issues. Melody also acted as PwC’s liaison with the Canada Revenue Agency on withholding tax rules. Additionally, she oversees and manages projects for a number of PwC’s largest advisory and compliance engagements and coordinates specialized PwC tax professionals.

Melody is the People Engagement Leader of PwC’s Greater Toronto Area and Southwestern Ontario leadership team. She fosters an inclusive environment by collaborating with various stakeholders, including the regional Inclusion & Diversity teams. Melody chairs the Canadian ETF Association’s (CETFA) Tax Committee, is a member of the Investment Funds Institute Canada’s (IFIC) tax working group and has authored an article on the taxation of non-residents in Canadian investment funds in the Canadian Tax Journal. She also speaks at various industry seminars including the Canadian Tax Foundation’s Annual Conference and the IFIC Tax Symposiums.

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  • Tax Advisory and Compliance in Financial Services
  • Cross-border Taxation


  • Asset Management Tax Services
  • Financial Services


  • Bachelor of Commerce, University of Toronto
  • Chartered Professional Accountant
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