Jason Moyse

Jason Moyse

Senior Manager, Legal Business Solutions, PwC Canada

Jason is a Senior Manager, in our Legal Business Solutions practice, who specializes in helping clients design and optimize processes, using foundational technologies to unlock value, create new ways of working and better manage the business of law for both in-house law departments and firms.

A former private practitioner and in-house lawyer, his global experience includes implementations of large scale customer experience initiatives while operating as a key trusted legal and business advisor to C-Suite executives, Senior Leadership and Governance Teams. He has over 20 years experience in the legal industry, helping leaders optimize their legal function through strategy development and operational transformation, focusing on innovation and continuous improvement.

His key areas of focus include:

  • Legal function optimization. Including current state assessments, benchmarking, organizational design, process optimization, strategic and technology roadmaps, outside counsel strategy, law department integration, cost reduction and containment, reporting and analytics.
  • Technology and automation. Improving the quality of output and strategic organizational decision-making by developing transformative programs focused on legal intake, matter management and contracts, legal document management and enhanced analytics. He has also worked in strategic partnerships with emerging technology platforms to implement scalable business process automations, data curation, industrialized analytics, machine learning and AI.

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