Інтерв'ю Партнера PwC Україна В'ячеслава Власова


Інтерв’ю Партнера PwC Україна В'ячеслава Власова не про інвестиційний клімат, міжнародні тренди у сфері оподаткування чи актуальні проблеми бізнесу. Це - розповідь про щире захоплення, яке впродовж останніх 20 років стало невід’ємною частиною життя.


читати інтерв'ю


New interview of Slava Vlasov, Partner at PwC Ukraine, is not about the investment climate, international trends in taxation or current business issues. This is a story of true passion, which has become an integral part of his life over the last 20 years.

read an interview (in Russian)

New interview of Slava Vlasov, Partner at PwC Ukraine, is not about the investment climate, international trends in taxation or current business issues. This is a story of true passion, which has become an integral part of his life over the last 20 years.

read an interview (in Russian)

New interview of Slava Vlasov, Partner at PwC Ukraine, is not about the investment climate, international trends in taxation or current business issues. This is a story of true passion, which has become an integral part of his life over the last 20 years.

read an interview (in Russian)

New interview of Slava Vlasov, Partner at PwC Ukraine, is not about the investment climate, international trends in taxation or current business issues. This is a story of true passion, which has become an integral part of his life over the last 20 years.

read an interview (in Russian)

Наші контакти

Ірина Корольова

Ірина Корольова

Керівниця відділу маркетингу, PwC в Україні

Тел: +380 50 415 7599

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