Kingdom Centre Tower
21st, 24th & 56th floors
Telephone: +966 (11) 211 0400
Fax: +966 (11) 211 0401
P.O. Box 8282, 11482
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al Olaya Tower building A, Level 8
P.O. Box 6790, 11452
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
PwC Middle East Chairman of the Board & KSA Country Senior Leader
Jameel Square, 5th floor, Al Tahliah Street
Telephone +966 (12) 610 4400
Fax: +966 (12) 610 4411
P.O. Box 16415, 21464
Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
C/O Saudi Aramco Building 3106, East Wing, LIP, Saudi Aramco
Telephone: +966 (13) 873 6800
Fax: +966(13) 873 8883
P.O. Box 1659
Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
5th & 19th Floors, Al-Hugayet Skyline Tower, King Abdul Aziz Street
Telephone: +966 (13) 849 6311
Fax: +966 (13) 849 6281
P.O. Box 467, Dhahran 31932
Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al Sokhayrat Area - building 2206, King Abdulaziz street
P.O. Box 7592, 43522
AlUla, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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