CIPD Advanced Diploma in Strategic People Management - Level 7

A CIPD qualification will help you develop key HR knowledge and skills and will gain you professional recognition in the workplace.

It is suited to individuals who: 

  • are experienced people practitioners 
  • work in a senior people practice role and wish to extend and deepen their skills and understanding as regards shaping strategy, policy and people 
  • wish to shape people practice creating value for a wide audience

The CIPD Advanced Diploma in Strategic People Management will give you the perfect platform to further develop your HR career. It will give you a broader perspective of the organisational issues facing HR, help you develop your ability to evaluate the effectiveness of HR models and practices and improve your planning, analytical and problem-solving skills.   

This world-renowned programme:

  • provides strategic insights into key areas of human resources management
  • provides access to research-led insights from the world’s leading HR experts, allowing you to challenge the status quo, inspire action and influence change
  • leads to Associate Membership (Assoc. CIPD). Upon successful completion of the Advanced Diploma, candidates with the relevant professional experience can apply for Chartered Membership
  • will help develop your career and have an impact in your organisation

Suitable for highly experienced people with 10+ years of professional experience who are at/are aspiring for the top strategic HR role, have strategic impact on their business, might operate in a complex or multinational environment.

Programme structure

  • The 12-month programme comprises workshops (13 teaching days) and a blend of other learning activities.
  • Participants will need to complete written research assignments for assessment during the programme.
  • The training modules are run at PwC’s Academy premises or online.
  • All teaching will be delivered by highly experienced PwC professionals who are accredited for delivery.
  • The training will be delivered in English.

Who will teach you?  

Vanda Šinková has extensive experience in HR management, currently she is the leader of CIPD Centre of Excellence for the PwC Academies in CEE, and is delivering CIPD qualifications in several CEE countries. In her HR leader role, Vanda has been responsible for the overall HR management agenda, as well as for the strategic HR and change management, organisational and talent development.

About the CIPD and PwC´s Academy

  • The CIPD is a professional body for experts in people at work. For more than 100 years, they have been championing better work and working lives by setting professional standards for HR and people development, as well as driving positive change in the world of work. 
  • The CIPD new Profession Map sets the international standard for the people profession, and underpins a set of qualifications that connect professionals of all specialisms and experience to a better professional future. 
  • PwC is the global leader in business consulting and PwC’s Academy is an approved study centre for CIPD qualifications. 
  • At the PwC Academy, we have extensive experience in delivering professional qualifications, and train over 10,000 delegates per year in different areas of expertise, including HR. Our CIPD tutors are leading HR consultants who are all certified and possess extensive teaching and interpersonal skills.
  • The Academy gives you the opportunity to benefit from PwC’s global network and its accumulated knowledge and applied practice, to ensure that you bring the highest value to your business.

Work and working lives in a changing business environment

  • Understand ways in which major, long-term environmental developments affect employment, work and people management in organisations.
  • Understand current and short-term developments in the people management business environment.
  • Understand how change, innovation and creativity can promote improvements in organisational productivity.
  • Understand the key interrelationships between organisational commitment to ethics, sustainability, diversity and well-being.

People management and development strategies for performance

  • Understand the benefits of aligning people practices with organisational strategy and culture. 
  • Understand how the development of people practices improves organisational performance and employee experience.
  • Understand current practice in major areas of people management and development work. 
  • Understand the role and influence of people professionals in different organisational settings.

Personal effectiveness, ethics and business acumen         

  • Be able to model principles and values that promote inclusivity aimed at maximising the contribution that people make to organisations. 
  • Be able to achieve and maintain challenging business outcomes for yourself and organisations. 
  • Be able to apply learning to enhance personal effectiveness.
  • Be able to influence others during decision making while showing courage and conviction. 

Business research in people practice

  • Be able to plan a people-practice business research project aimed at adding organisational value.
  • Be able to justify the most appropriate research methods to collect data for the chosen project.
  • Be able to analyse data to make decisions and provide business and people management insights.
  • Be able to propose recommendations based on conclusions derived from research and analysis.

Strategic employment relations

  • Understand different perspectives on employment relations and how they influence the roles of people professionals and line managers.
  • Understand how external institutions can shape employment relations at the organisational level.
  • Understand how people professionals can work with employees and trade unions to sustain mutuality and voice.
  • Understand how people professionals work with employees and trade unions to mitigate organisational risks.

Resourcing and talent management to sustain success

  • Understand the impact of the changing business environment on resourcing and talent management strategy and practice.
  • Understand organisational recruitment and selection strategies.
  • Understand the importance of succession planning to support sustainable organisational performance.
  • Understand approaches to improving individual and team performance.

Strategic reward management

  • Understand effective reward strategies and policy frameworks.
  • Understand the value of a ‘total rewards’ approach.
  • Understand pay structures and approaches to establishing pay levels.
  • Understand the importance of organisational approaches to compliant ethical and reward practice.

Technology enhanced learning

  • Understand major technological developments and their impact on the design and practice of learning and development. 
  • Understand a variety of technological solutions and their relevance within learning and development. 
  • Understand the implementation of learning technologies within organisations.
  • Understand the role of data in improving the effectiveness of organisational learning and development provision.
Core units Dates
Intro 5 March 2025
Work and working lives in a changing business environment TBD
People management and development strategies for performance 19, 26 March., 2 April.2025
Personal effectiveness, ethics and business acumen 6, 13, 21 May 2025
Business research in people practice 25.June, 2.July 2025
Specialist pathway units  
Strategic employment relations 11, 18 Sept 2025
Resourcing and talent management to sustain success 22., 29.Oct, 5 Nov 2025
Strategic reward management 8., 12., 15 Dec 2025
Additional specialist unit  
Technology enhanced learning 23, 30 Jan, 6 Feb 2026

Price: For fees, please contact us:


Szilágyi Katalin

PwC's Academy vezető, PwC Hungary

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