Equal pay: Will your company hold up?

Demonstrate your commitment to equal pay. Get certified and join the ranks of internationally respected market leaders.

Fairness of pay between men and women: Why does that concern even your company?

Gender Pay Gap is an indicator expressing the difference between the remuneration of men and women. To an increasing extent, equal pay is becoming a hot topic in the Czech Republic and it should be a priority for Czech businesses. Companies with a well-set wage policy are given a competitive edge not only in the area of employer branding, but also within its business as a whole. More and more potential employees consider Gender Pay Gap a major indicator for their employment selection. Diversity is emphasised even in the B2B sector.
Gain a competitive advantage with EQUAL-SALARY certification.


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Equal salary

What is EQUAL-SALARY certification?

Internationally recognised certification awarded by the independent Swiss EQUAL-SALARY Foundation to companies that demonstrate compliance with prescribed conditions and criteria in the area of equal pay.

The methodology used to verify eligibility for certification has been developed by the University of Geneva, which is recognised by the European Commission and has been accepted as evidence in several pay discrimination lawsuits.

Make your values real – prove that you provide fair remuneration and build a strong reputation in the market.

Andrea Linhartová Palánová, PwC

Examples of certified companies


Why should you obtain the EQUAL-SALARY Certification?

By obtaining the EQUAL-SALARY Certification, you will let your business partners, clients and employees know that your wage policy is fair. What other benefits will you acquire by the certification?

Attract quality candidates
Increase employee retention
Improve employee satisfaction
Improve company reputation
Increase productivity
Increase workforce diversity
Increase performance
Reduce legal risks

PwC as a partner for obtaining EQUAL-SALARY Certification

We will be happy to guide you through the entire certification process. We have an actual department dealing with the equal pay area, and thus you will gain insights and inputs from our team of specialists with years of experience in the field and with overlap into other areas (law, HR, and others).

How do we proceed?


Step 1: Statistical analysis

Company employee data is provided to the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation for analysis through a secured IT platform. All data is made anonymous prior to analysis and compensation data is destroyed after the audit report has been transmitted. The EQUAL-SALARY statistical regression model analyses the wage difference; this difference needs to be inferior or equal to 5% and the regression strength (R²) must exceed or equal 90% in order to proceed to Step 2. A list of individual employee cases falling outside these criteria is generated, enabling the company to put in place a specific action plan.

Step 2: On-site Audit (PwC)

An on-site audit is carried out by the PwC EQUAL-SALARY Team following international standards on quality management to assess: 1. Management commitment to equal pay for men and women; 2. Integration of equal pay strategies within the HR processes and policies; 3. Employee perception of the company.

Step 3: Certification

Depending on a successful outcome from the PwC audit, the company is awarded the EQUAL-SALARY Label from the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation. This label is a clear demonstration of a company’s commitment to equal pay for men and women, and can be used on all company communications.cases falling outside these criteria is generated, enabling the company to put in place a specific action plan.

Step 4: Monitoring Audits

The EQUAL-SALARY Certification is valid for three years. During this period certified companies complete to two monitoring audits, which monitor their fulfilment of the assigned actions to apply a fair, nondiscriminatory wage policy between men and women.


The European Commission recognizes EQUAL-SALARY as an approach to verify the fairness of pay between men and women.

Organisations are recognising that workforce inclusion and diversity is key to business success. This advantage is driven by: improved financial performance, better talent attraction and retention, more innovation, and deeper customer insight. www.equalsalary.org

The Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality has financially supported the development of EQUAL-SALARY.


Martin Diviš

Martin Diviš

Partner, People & Organisation, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 602 749 934

Andrea Linhartová Palánová

Andrea Linhartová Palánová

People & Organisation, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 734 798 869

Hana  Farská

Hana Farská

People & Organisation, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 734 691 456

Alena Kubešová

Alena Kubešová

People & Organisation, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 734 681 750