Services for Sellers

Are you considering selling your company? Are you looking for an investor that would insert further resources into your company and thus fuel its growth? We can help you identify a suitable buyer for your company and we walk you through the entire transaction, so that you realise maximum return from it.

We provide comprehensive management of the transaction process for you. The process starts by clarifying the goals and expectations of the seller and a following identification and approaching of suitable potential investors. Based on initial information about the company, the investors then submit indicative bids for the purchase of the company and the seller invites selected investors to conduct due diligence. Using the insights from the due diligence, the investors then submit binding bids and the investor with the most attractive bid is invited to negotiate a purchase agreement and close the transaction.

Our seasoned professionals from the team of Mergers & Acquisitions will guide you through all the steps of the transaction, from the identification of suitable potential investors to the negotiation of the best possible conditions of the purchase agreement and transaction closing. Our team provides comprehensive management of the transaction process for you. Below, please see an overview of our services by the individual stage of the transaction.

Our services:

Identification of potential buyers or investors

  • We help you identify the key areas for value creation in your company, as well as the potentially problematic areas, and we advise you on how to enhance the value-creating areas and minimize or eliminate the risk stemming from the problematic areas
  • We suggest an optimal sale strategy for your company
  • We identify suitable investors that might be interested in the company
  • We prepare presentation materials about your company, we approach the potential investors and find out their potential interest in your company
  • We prepare a confidentiality agreement and facilitate an exchange of information necessary for working out indicative bids for the purchase of your company

Due diligence of your company

  • We identify and help you collect the required information about your company and we prepare a so-called data room for potential buyers, in which they will have access to detailed information about the company necessary to conduct the due diligence (an in-depth review of the financial and commercial state of the company)
  • We help you answer questions of the buyers and we organize the due diligence process

Transaction documentation negotiation and transaction closing

  • We assist you in negotiations of the purchase agreement, so that it is as beneficial for you as possible
  • We help you set the commercial parameters of the agreement
  • We organize the closing of the transaction and its settlement
Why PwC

✔ We have offices in 158 countries, in which we employ 236,000 people. Due to our employees’ broad network of contacts, we are able to address the responsible persons in a large number of companies, and thus to discuss the specific questions relating to the sale or purchase of a company directly with those that decide in the matter.

✔ Our employees are experts in their field with many years of experience in projects within the Czech Republic and abroad.

✔ We have experience with transactions in multiple industries, among other in IT, energy, construction, retail, healthcare, travel, tourism, electronics, heavy industry, packaging industry and more.


Advising on the sale of a leading Czech and Slovak electronics retailer

Client: Leading international electronics retailer

Project type: Advisory services for the seller

PwC role: Advising an international company focusing on retail sale of electronics in the sale of a majority share in a leading Czech and Slovak retail chain selling consumer electronics. The project also included vendor due diligence prepared by the PwC team.

Advising on the sale of an electrical machinery manufacturer

Client: Private equity fund

Project type: Advisory services for the seller

PwC role: Advising a leading Czech private equity fund in the sale of a company manufacturing electrical machinery, engines and components. PwC provided comprehensive assistance in the transaction, including the management of the transaction process, identification and approaching of investors, preparation of transaction documentation and negotiation of the final purchase agreement.

Advising on the sale of a pressed parts manufacturer

Client: Czech manufacturer of pressed metal parts for the automotive industry

Project type: Advisory services for the seller

PwC role: Advising a major Czech producer of pressed metal parts for the automotive industry. The project included an identification and approaching of potential investors, preparation of information materials about the company, coordination of due diligence and negotiation of final transaction documentation.


Miroslav Bratrych

Miroslav Bratrych

Lead Partner, Advisory Services, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 603 251 730

Jan Hadrava

Jan Hadrava

Partner, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategy, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 724 373 655

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