Transfer Pricing

Managing your risks in the global economy with PwC team in Ukraine

Get more with our Transfer pricing (TP) team in Ukraine

I am Olga Trifonova, Head of Transfer Pricing practice at PwC in Ukraine, and my team and I are here to help you!

In an ever-changing global economy, TP is one of the most important tax issues for multinational companies. With more than 3,000 professionals in over 90 countries, PwC's TP network of teams is well-positioned to advise you on a strategy that can help advance your goals within the ever-shifting compliance landscape.

Our TP team in Ukraine comprised of 20+ experienced professionals can help your business with being compliant with TP regulations, managing TP risks and finding opportunities for sustainable improvement to your tax efficiency.

Let us show how!

Olga Trifonova
Olga Trifonova
Director, Head of Transfer Pricing practice

What we can do for you

Transfer Pricing policy

Planning and development; transfer pricing methodology for permanent establishments

Advance Pricing Agreements (APA)

Supporting during the process of negotiations and preparing the APA

Development and implementation of Transfer Pricing business processes


Transfer Pricing advice

Advice on different transfer pricing matters

Value chain analysis and transformation

Analysis and transformation of operational model, transfer of functions, risks and assets abroad; structuring of operational activities

Reporting and compliance

Assisting with preparation of three-tiered transfer pricing documentation (Country-by-Country reporting, Master file and Local file), notification of participation in Multinational Enterprise Group, report on controlled transaction

Transfer Pricing audits and disputes

Helping our clients defend position during TP audits and win TP disputes in courts

Business purpose and economic benefit test

Assisting in substantiation the economic benefit of intragroup services and intangible assets received

We have surveyed our clients in order to find out what sets us aside and makes out offering unique 

71 respondents, clients of TP practice at PwC in Ukraine during 2017-2019, polled

Do you feel that you get more by working with Transfer Pricing team at PwC in Ukraine? 
What do you value most about partnering with us?

(opportunity to provide several answers)

What we can do for you

Transfer Pricing policy

Planning and development; TP methodology for permanent establishments

Value chain analysis and transformation

Analysis and transformation of operational model, transfer of functions, risks and assets abroad; structuring of operational activities

Advance Pricing Agreements (APA)

Supporting during the process of negotiations and preparing the APA

Transfer Pricing advice

Advice on different TP matters

Development and implementation of Transfer Pricing business processes

Reporting and compliance

Assisting with preparation of three-tiered TP documentation (Countryby-Country reporting, Master file and Local file), notification of participation in Multinational Enterprise Group, report on controlled transaction 

Transfer Pricing audits and disputes

Helping our clients defend position during TP audits and win TP disputes in courts

Business purpose and economic benefit test

Assisting in substantiation the economic benefit of intragroup services and intangible assets received


Contact us

Olga Trifonova

Olga Trifonova

Director, Head of Transfer Pricing practice, PwC in Ukraine

Tel: +380 50 331 9746

Kateryna Kislitsyna

Kateryna Kislitsyna

Director, PwC in Ukraine

Tel: +380 50 383 7556

Taras Polianskyi

Taras Polianskyi

Manager, Lviv, PwC in Ukraine

Tel: +380 50 384 3662

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