Crisis and resilience management

Sustain and grow with clarity and confidence

With multi-layer uncertainties and complexities behind the backdrop of each crisis as it strikes – traditional approaches that used to work in the past by and large fail today. Instead – more agile, flexible and at the same time integral ones come to play and make the difference.

These days, being genuinely ready and prepared to respond effectively and efficiently to arising and often hardly predictable crisis situations is getting more and more crucial and vital. Both for the viability of the Organisation itself, as well as for the care and safety of its people and other assets, and certainly – for safeguarding and embracing the impact that it makes on society and other stakeholders.

Whether it’s about preventing a potential exigency or withstanding strong when the crisis strikes – it’s essential to ensure smooth and swift redirection towards recovery and emerging stronger. Otherwise – detrimental one-off cases may promptly turn into an avalanche of adverse repercussions that derails everything on its way – across business lines, operational processes, endeavours and relationships.

Being half-, one-, two-, or even three-steps ahead may and most likely will no longer suffice, especially in the current age of global scale adverse effects and impacts. As such – more prudent and sophisticated approaches need to be curated, adopted and followed. And that’s exactly what we do when it comes to tackling crisis situations.

Having a designated experienced team on the ground reinforced with ironclad support from our PwC network experts across the Globe – we bring far-reaching practical solutions well planned in advance to ensure your clarity, comfort and confidence – today, tomorrow, whenever.

It starts with proper preparation support, follows by tailored fit for purpose response and shaped with forging more and more tampered strength and resilience to whatever challenges the future may bring. But even more than that – we ultimately focus on helping Organisations turn a crisis into an opportunity, the one that helps them not only to sustain their stance and pace but emerge stronger and run truly great. 



Crisis and resilience management


of Organisations have experienced disruption in the past 2 year, according to PwC’s Global Crisis and Resilience Survey 2023

Key mainstays of our Crisis and Resilience support

At this crucial stage, we focus on identifying key relevant risks scenarios and assessing their impact on resilience and operational continuity of our Organisation. For that purpose, we use a quantitative approach based on financial indicators and other vital pillars, such as human capital and reputation. On top of that, we adapt and consider key relevant provisions of recognised international standards (i.a. ISO) and industry-specific best practices. All this enables us to delineate, comprehend and navigate the risk universe of your Organisation with versatility, clarity and precision. 

Building on the foundation laid during the preparation phase, this stage is where preparation turns into action. It involves defining clear outstanding response measures to each risk scenario including distribution of roles for effectuating those, execution planning, kick-off and delivery.

This stage is a perpetual and steep learning curve, where the effectiveness of measures undertaken are continuously evaluated and enhanced further on allowing your Organisation to adapt, raise its institutional awareness and become even more agile and ready to withstand ever-evolving challenges.

Contact us

Andriy  Tretyak

Andriy Tretyak

CFE, CISA, Forensic Leader, PwC in Ukraine

Tel: +380 44 354 04 04

Anatolii Savchenko

Anatolii Savchenko

CIA, Senior Manager, Forensic Services, PwC in Ukraine

Tel: +380 44 354 04 04

Anastasiia Fesun

Anastasiia Fesun

Senior Associate, Forensic services, PwC in Ukraine

Tel: +380 44 354 04 04

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