Energy, Utilities & Resources

We provide assurance, tax and advisory guidance to the oil and gas, power and utilities, mining and metals and chemicals companies.

Energy (Oil and Gas)

Oil & gas companies contend with challenging regulatory environment, and a host of issues. At the same time, they are focused on growth and stakeholder value.

 Learn how we can help 


Power & Utilities

The utility sector is complex & changing rapidly as companies pursue new clean technologies, smart grid applications, optimise their energy mix in response to modern climate change & sustainability pressures.

Learn how we can help


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How can PwC help

We help our Energy, Utilities and Resources clients to deal with disruptive business challenges, to transform their businesses, grow their revenues and reduce costs. We help them to develop new strategies, improve operating models, create more efficient organisations and ways of managing to deliver superior customer and investor value.

In turbulent times, we are ready with practical assistance to help you prepare for, respond to, and emerge stronger from crises. For more information on COVID-19 and the Energy, Utilities & Resources sector, please visit the following article: Energy industry and COVID-19 (coronavirus): strategising for the ‘new normal’. Working across the sectors for over 100 years, our in-depth industry knowledge is complemented by an extensive global network of over 17,000 people.


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