Fraud Forum Membership

The Fraud Forum is a platform for sharing the knowledge and experience of managers and professionals dealing with fraud prevention, detection, and forensic investigation in companies.

Fraud Forum Membership is for financial directors and specialists, internal auditors, risk and compliance managers, security and forensic investigation specialists, and company lawyers. Membership is free of charge and flexible. Any member can participate in those activities that of interest to them.

If you would like to become a Fraud Forum member, please provide us with the following information:

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We process your personal data in accordance with our personal data protection policy. For more information please click on the following Transparency notice. Each email you will receive from us will contain a link for unsubscribing from our Fraud Forum membership platform. 

By submitting the form you consent to electronic communication from entities from the PwC network in accordance with the provisions of the Act. No. 351/2011 Coll. on electronic communication as amended.

Contact us

Kateřina Halásek Dosedělová

Kateřina Halásek Dosedělová

Forensic Investigation and Compliance, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 724 369 351

Silvia  Kodýdek Marušincová

Silvia Kodýdek Marušincová

Director, Risk Assurance, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 903 781 615

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