Supply Chain and Operations

Malaysian Telecommunications Operator

Project description:
Integration of green purchasing criteria

The client wanted to integrate environmental criteria into purchasing decisions across the organisation and engaged PwC to develop the approach.

We worked with the client’s sustainability team to design and facilitate a cross-functional workshop to educate buyers from the client’s various divisions, including Marketing, Finance, Facilities and Operations, on the benefits and scope of green procurement.

A clearer understanding of green procurement concepts enabled the team to develop green criteria for their respective purchasing decisions.

European Frozen Food Company

Project description:
Sustainable fish sourcing

The client wanted a review of their operating processes for sourcing fish, as this was a key raw material for them and one where prices were rising and fishing quotas were reducing supplies.

We undertook a full analysis of every stage of the supply chain, including market, value chain and competitive cost analysis.

We proposed improvements that would not only save money for the clients, but maintain the company’s competitive position, as well as its ethical and environmental standards.

Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences Company

Project description:
Managing global supply chain risk

Our US client was concerned about the reputational risks associated with suppliers in its global supply chain. It had no process in place to monitor or influence supplier actions related to environmental, health, safety, or labour issues.

We developed a supplier sustainability risk assessment methodology to be implemented across select supplier groups, including a field audit methodology and checklists for high-risk suppliers.

Our client immediately implemented PwC’s supplier sustainability risk assessment tool, identified and conducted field audits of high-risk suppliers, and strengthened management of reputational risks associated with global supply chain partners.

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