Risk Management

The relationship between risk and strategy is integral on how businesses are shaped and directed and should be well-embedded within each other. We work with our clients to design, establish, review and implement integrated risk management solutions - helping organisations to fully immerse risk management as part of their business and operational set-up.

How PwC can help you

We assist our clients in their risk management setup as follows:

  • Articulate their risk appetite and risk tolerance statements through careful consideration of their strategic objectives.
  • Develop their risk management framework, policy and procedures - guided by our global risk framework and commonly recognised risk management standards (e.g. ISO 31000 & COSO ERM).
  • Facilitate the identification and assessment of their risk and control universe, aggregating them to an organisation-wide perspective.
  • Develop KRI/KCI policy and facilitate the identification of these indicators and implementation.
  • Design risk reports catered to specific stakeholders within the organisation.
  • Provide risk training and awareness workshops to equip our clients with knowledge on the emerging risk landscape as well as the latest practices and perspectives.
  • Design training curricula and e-learns, and to assess training effectiveness.

To find out more on how we can assist you in digitalising your Risk Management programme, please check out our GRC Enablement solutions.


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Contact us

Elaine Ng

Elaine Ng

Partner, Risk Services and Markets Leader, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (12) 334 6243

Dominic Chegne

Dominic Chegne

Partner, Risk Services, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 12 332 2300

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