
We asked business leaders 5 key questions about trust in business. Watch the videos to hear their answers ...

Q1: Can you purposefully work on building trust and remain authentic?


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Q2: Is transparency really in the best interests of a company?


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Q3: Is the CEO the face of trust for a business?


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Q4: Is it easier for “big” businesses to build trust as compared to small businesses?

Q4: Is it easier for "big" businesses to build trust as compared to small businesses?
Q4: Is it easier for "big" businesses to build trust as compared to small businesses?


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Q5: Can there be a one-size-fits-all model for building trust?


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Contact us

Pauline Ho

Pauline Ho

Building Trust Programme Sponsor & Assurance Partner, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 0946

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